Chapter 133: Superman

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Superman, who felt the heavy pressure on his mind like everyone else, managed to resist it with relative ease as he had forged his willpower through the years.

With the immense power his body held, it took great control to not smash everything he touched, but it took even greater willpower to not use it for himself.

So feeling relatively clear headed, he saw the direction in which Serenity was flying off to, and said, "I think he's heading to the White House… I think we should follow him, to make sure… well, I don't know."

The others nodded, and used various means to follow Edward.

All of them knew of him, he was one of the earliest heroes, and definitely the most famous in the world right now. But if Edward had heard what Starro said, then they feared he might do something bad under his anger.

That was the thought process of most of the heroes present. For Diana and Thor, they couldn't care less whether Edward ripped off the head of the President if he really had launched the second nuclear missile, they would even gladly help him, but Edward had taken two point blank nuclear explosions, so they still had to follow him to see what he was up to.

It was quite strange for Edward to fly off to somewhere too, instead of simply teleporting, so the two also followed along, to see what exactly was going on.

With the speed the heroes travelled at, it took less than a minute to reach the White House.

Once there, Edward took out his spear and stabbed toward the White House, more precisely toward the Oval Office.

Down there, in the Oval Office, Elias looked at the sky in shock as a dragon head descended toward him, and regret washed over him. He had no idea how Serenity had found he was the one to launch the nuke, but if he knew this would happen, he would have launched ten more of them…

But as the attack was midway toward the White House, Superman appeared in front of the attack, and punched at it.

The great collision produced a sound so strong it formed a shockwave that destroyed any nearby windows, and even crack the reinforced windows of the Oval Office.

Superman himself was sent flying back, not enough to make him crash into the ground, but as he stabilized himself in the air he looked at his fist in shock.

For the first time in many, many years, Superman had bled.

Superman, Clark Kent to his real name, had not been a hero for a long time, he had only started after Edward's UN General Assembly, and he hadn't really faced any threatening villain, he had mostly been helping cat down trees.

Looking down at his fist, and feeling the pain coming from it, Superman immediately raised Edward's danger level quite a few notches.

His mangled fist started regenerating at a speed visible to the eye, but while healing Clark would rather not punch with this fist.

Looking up, he saw Edward preparing another one of those attacks, and not wanting to get his other fist mangled, he flew next to Edward and stopped his spear mid motion.

But as his hand neared the spear, he felt a repulsion force coming from the spear, the white halo around it was preventing his hand from reaching it.

Even though Superman was much faster than Edward, he could still see him and feel him with his Chi Sense, and so as Clark was slowed by the Spear Aura, Edward released one of his hands from his spear, and punched Superman across the face, sending him flying.

Determined to use what little time he earned himself, Edward prepared to throw another attack at the White House, but Thor appeared in front of him, and said, "Edward, what are you doing?"

Edward, who still had half his brain melted, issued a groan and stabbed his spear at Thor, who widened his eyes and parried the blow with Mjollnir.

The two weapons collided, and a bolt of lightning was fired at Edward, smashing him backwards. But he stabilized himself in the air and stored Aeglos as his hands weaved in a complex pattern.

Although Edward couldn't really think, his magic and fighting techniques had been engraved into his body through practice. Edward had spent quite some time in the time array training.

A giant fireball appeared above Edward, and with a gesture of his he threw it toward the White House.

But this time it was Green Lantern who created a large steel-like wall in front of it, stopping it. At the same time, Flash had already evacuated everyone inside the White House, including the President.

Unfortunately for Flash, although he was much faster than Edward, the later could still roughly follow him with his eyes, and thus saw him exit the house with the President.

Edward's body was not fast enough, but his magic sure was.

While Flash was running with the President from the White House, he looked up to see how the fight was going, and when he saw Edward's eyes, he couldn't help but freak out, but more importantly, he didn't see the Earth in front of him raise slightly.

Flash's right foot stumbled, and both him and the President began falling at top speed. Flash himself knew he would be alright, but the President…

Fortunately, before the leader of the country could get all the bones in his body broken, Superman flashed over and saved him. Dropping him to the ground, Superman did not say a word to the President as he got back into the sky.

As a patriotic man, Clark would have loved to meet and talk with the President, and definitely would have tried to crack a joke with the man, even in the middle of a fight.

But with the suspicions of the President being the one to almost kill Edward and heal Starro, Superman found himself unable to say anything to him.

So instead he preferred to face Edward and stop him. Even if the President had done what he thought, he did, he should be judged by the law, not directly killed.

Seeing the President on the ground, Edward floated down to the ground too, but the heroes who had defeated Starro stood in between.

Superman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Thor, versus Serenity.

A few cameras were already pointed toward what could possibly become the fight of the century, but the fighters themselves had no intention of fighting against each other.

Diana took a few steps forward, cautious as she looked at Edward up and down. It tore her heart to see him in such a state, and when she saw the left side of his face, she understood he probably had a brain injury.

As his girlfriend, and companion since he first became Serenity, Diana knew next to everything about his powers as he never bothered to hide them from her, and so she knew about how strong his Spirit was, and it was probably unable to function well because of the brain injury, but it was still there.

So Diana forgot about everything currently happening, and slowly approached Edward as she called out his name, while thinking of happy memories of their family.

Edward, who was ready to throw another bunch of spells to kill the president, stopped as he felt Diana's emotions, which soothed him.

Even the other heroes, they looked at him with awe, respect and some fear, but there was no trace of anger or will to fight.

As for the president, he was out of his Chi Sense, so he couldn't feel his emotions.

Edward gradually calmed down as Diana approached him, and before long she stood in front of him. She lightly caressed the relatively uninjured part of his face, and whispered, "Come back to us, Edward."

Finally, Edward's Spirit, which had been in a groggy state due to the explosion, the brain injury and the radiation, fully awakened as he took in his surroundings, and the condition of his body.

Seeing Diana looking worried, Edward finally smiled, despite the pain it caused him, and dispelled the radiation stuck to his body as his healing factor quickly acted.

Flesh formed before the eyes of the people present while his skin shed off, revealing a new, uninjured white skin. His left arm and eye also began growing back, and in a few minutes Edward was back in his normal condition, and so was the Armor of the Ancients.

Edward approached Diana, and lightly kissed her lips as he took her in a hug, and quietly thanked her. She merely nodded, glad he was okay.

Despite his Spirit being in a fog, Edward still remembered everything that had happened meanwhile, so he let go of Diana and looked at the heroes and showed a thumb up as he said, "You did a great job, and sorry for fighting you."

He turned to Superman, who's name he did not know, and pointed at his fist, "Sorry for that, you're quite tough though."

Edward was being honest, the Dragon Head was his strongest Dao Technique, and strongest attack overall on a singular target, so for him to only get a mangled fist from punching it was more than impressive.

Superman smiled slightly, like many others Edward was his idol, but more importantly his role model. The images of Edward facing the Kronan Army on his own were still etched into his mind to this day, so being praised by him was quite something.

This had nothing to do with power, he simply respected him as a human being.

Edward sent looks at the others, and smiled at Thor, "You sure didn't hesitate to blast me with your lightning."

Thor laughed and replied, "Of course, why would I?"

Edward rolled his eyes before looking at Flash, and his swollen ankle. He sent a stream of Chi at his ankle, healing the injury and apologizing, before finally turning to Aquaman.

This time more serious, Edward said, "If you are in contact with Atlantis, warn their king. I won't have mercy next time."

Arthur nodded, he too was angry at his brother for attacking Edward out of nowhere. Not only was he protecting the ocean, he was also too big of a threat to provoke for Atlantis.

Edward also nodded at Green Lantern, he didn't have anything in particular to say to him, but it would be weird to ignore only him.

Having thanked the heroes, Edward turned to the President, and felt everyone around become tensed. As for the President, Elias, his fear was quite obvious. Edward was still angry, and although he no longer emitted his Royal Will, his Royal Aura still displayed his emotions quite clearly.

Approaching the President, Edward, although angry, knew he couldn't kill the man as there were many cameras on him. Killing the President now would turn him into a martyr, and even if proof of what he did were to be made public, by then Edward's reputation would have already fallen six feet underground.

This would also destroy everything he had said back at the UN General Assembly, so he instead opted for something more diplomatic. Moreover, Edward firmly believed that what he would do to Elias was worse than killing him.

Losing power was, after all, the worst thing that could happen to a powerful man.