Chapter 143: Great Sorcerer War (3)

To read up to 20 chapters ahead: https://www.patré


Despite every team of magicians being given a region to clean, there weren't nearly enough of them to clear the entire Earth, despite what they were given. Hence, Edward was not troubled when he wanted to find a region of the world without any teams there.

The region he chose was deep in the Atlantic Ocean, not far from where he had fought Starro's' clones not so long ago.

One might think it would be very strange to dive in an ocean without any fish in it, but the amount of demons in the water more than made up for it.

While the Sorcerers were making their plans, the demons had also spread out through the world, heading to places that suited them the most.

That's why, in the ocean, Edward met almost only aquatic demons. Most of them were corporeal, and were in a sense mutations of already existing sea forms.

Giant sharks, Octopuses, Killer Whales the size of aircraft carriers… All kinds of lives corrupted by demonic energies were present, and tried to kill Edward.

As for Edward himself, he had chosen this part of the world because he wanted to work on his Water Concept.

Edward had already cultivated his Earth Concept to the peak thanks to the absorption of the Golden Dragon, so absorbing an equally powerful Wind Natural Treasure should also push his Wind Concept to the Peak too, leaving only his Water and Fire Concepts in the elemental Concepts.

Since he had absorbed the Dragon Fire and the Freezing Crystal, his affinity to both elements had been elevated, so it would take much less time to raise them both to the peak, he simply never had taken the time to work on them.

So Edward decided to use this opportunity to fight in the ocean, as if he did it outside of the Mirror Dimension Atlantis would most certainly annoy him and force him to deal with them.

Of course he could also find a different world or dimension and play over there, but that was a little overreacting.

Anyway, Edward started decimating all the demons in the ocean as he showed no mercy. Actually, the demons were still coming in droves on Earth, and were transported into the Mirror Dimension. At a faster rate than they were killing them.

One might think their actions were useless then, that they would never kill all the demons, but it wasn't their intention from the beginning.

First, if they didn't do anything, the number of demons would become so great that they wouldn't be able to do anything against them, even if they united together.

But more importantly, even though they couldn't kill them all, they could scare them. The Ancient One wasn't capable of killing all the demons that wanted to invade the Earth if they all assaulted at the same time, but he was powerful enough to kill a vast majority of them, no matter how powerful they were.

Hence, they were dissuaded from entering the dimension. What they were doing now, was turning themselves into dissuasive weapons. They aimed to kill enough of them to make them understand that it simply wasn't worth it to attack the Earth.

So from the first day on, Edward was really committed. Using various applications of the Water Concept, Edward killed thousands of demons, to the point the water was turning red in certain areas. Although it would eventually wash away, it would still remain for some time.

Most of those demons were quite weak when compared to Edward, and although there were some that were approaching Edward's level of power, or maybe even surpassing it, Edward hadn't met any. The proportion of such demons was rather low after all.

However, although Edward did not find any such demon, after about 14 hours since they started their hunt, the first rescue signal was finally fired.

They hadn't told the teams of Sorcerers, but when they fired a flare, it wouldn't just be their associated powerhouse who would receive the signal, but everyone of them.

This was another countermeasure they had put in place to root out the spies.

Since he had nothing on his plate, Edward looked at the coordinates of the flare, and then opened a portal somewhere far from there. As he did, he also put up many spells to hide his presence, and he even used his Space Concept to hide himself in the folds of space, a place in which few could find him.

From his vantage point, Edward could see the team of Sorcerers running from a rather large demon. Well, Edward used the term rather large, but that was because he had faced the Golden Dragon before, who was thousands of kilometers long.

Actually, this demon was a giant black bird with metallic feathers. It's wingspan looked like it was about a hundred meters in width, making it quite the beast. But more importantly, with every flap of its wings, the wind generated would be fired toward the team of Sorcerers, and it wasn't just a gust of wind.

The demonic bird was somehow transmitting the cutting power of its wings into the gusts of wind it threw, making them much more dangerous.

As a flying bird, it was also much faster than the Sorcerers, and with the constant attacks they were unable to focus enough to create a portal. But even if they could, they wouldn't as they willingly used themselves as baits.

As the demonic bird got closer, a portal appeared in between the team of Sorcerers and the demonic bird, and out of it came Giovanni.

With a short glance, he confirmed the members of the team were not injured, so he turned his attention to the demonic bird.

"Emoceb os yvaeh uoy temmulp ot eht dnuorg."

It was quite the long sentence, longer than most of Zatanna's, and the effect was only amplified as the demonic bird suddenly started falling from the sky, with a faster and faster speed at that.

It tried to flap its wings to stabilize itself, but it felt like it had become so heavy it couldn't fly anymore.

Before it could hit the ground, Giovanni used another spell.

"Htrae, esir otni a keips dna nrut otni latem."

A giant pike rose from the earth and turned into a metal spear right below the bird. It's attempt to move was even more frantic, but unfortunately, it eventually wasn't able to do so as it fell onto the spike.

It's body was very hard and sturdy, but with the velocity at which it fell, it was easily impaled by the metal spike, and although it also broke it on impact, it only made things worse as the pieces scattered through it's internal body.

The ground shook with the fall, and the dust that rose from the impact hid the scene for a few seconds, before the corpse of the demon was finally revealed. It had been quite ravaged by the impact.

The strong demon now dead, Giovanni teleported away with the use of a portal, and so did the other powerhouses who had come to watch the fight.

Back into the ocean, Edward continued his hunt while thinking of the fight. Backward magic was quite powerful as it was extremely versatile since it could basically do anything the user could put into words.

Added with Giovanni's great mana reserves, as well as mastery that came from his years of experience, he truly was a fearsome Magician.

Manipulating the water around him to freeze, boil and crush the surrounding demons, Edward couldn't help but wonder how fighting a Backward Magician would be like. His tactic would probably to blitz them with his speed so they wouldn't be able to use a single spell.

After this little fight, Edward went on his hunting, but as the hours passed, he felt there was something fishy going on.

Two days into this war, no other powerful demon had been sighted. This was very strange because although the ratio of demons at the level of powerhouses compared to the rest was very low, they still should have met some of them.

This situation continued until the 4th day. By now, every team had killed an incalculable amount of demons, and most of the cities and landscapes on Earth had been razed to the ground. As for Edward, the bottom of the ocean had practically become void of demons as he had truly started scaring them so much they didn't dare approach the ocean.

But finally, a flare was fired. Edward didn't know it came from which team and was directed at which powerhouse, but since he had practically killed every demon in the Atlantic and the Pacific, he might as well go watch.

However, barely a second after the first flare, another was fired, and another, and another…

Ten flares were fired consecutively, each coming from a different team. Two of them were from teams Edward had custody over.

But before he could get the chance to investigate what exactly was happening, he felt something enter his Chi Sense at an extremely fast speed, and knowing he had no chance of dodging, Edward used his Water Concept to condense the water around him.

In nanoseconds the water around Edward turned into an extremely sturdy ice as he raised his arm in defence. The next moment, something pierced through the ice with apparent ease and slammed into Edward's arm, sending him flying so fast the water on his path evaporated.

After around a kilometer, Edward managed to force himself to stop as he stretched his right arm slightly, and saw there was a bruise on his right arm. It quickly disappeared, but considering the immense strength of his body after absorbing the Golden Dragon, whatever had slammed into him did so with an incredible strength and speed.

Looking over, Edward's eyes pierced through the darkness of the bottom of the ocean as he spotted a giant swordfish-like creature in the distance.

It had a giant bill in front of its body, and its body was rather angular. However, something eerie about it was the holes in its body, through which bones could be seen. It did not impede it's velocity though as a greenish film was covering those gaps, but it was think enough to hardly be seen.

As for it's tail, it was by far the strangest part of its body as it split into nine snake heads, not unlike the Hydra Edward had fought in hell.