
"Anna are you okay?"

Although both Anna and Menefer were still off-balance after seeing Ayla's face. Ayla always wore a half mask that covered the bottom portion of her face. There were many rumors about how her face looked. Some imagined her as the most beautiful thing in the world, others imagined her face was mangled beyond recognition, a few said the mask was her face. But for Anna, what she saw beneath the mask was a mirror that reflected her face almost completely.

Anna didn't answer Menefer she placed the mask loosely on Ayla's face before leaving the room. Menefer could only look constantly at the door and Ayla. Although no one else may have known why Anna was in the city, she did, and what happened in that room may have had the biggest impact on whether or not Anna would ever walk out of that city. After a few more seconds of hesitation and confusion, Anna left to find Anna closing the door behind her partially.

After she left Ayla unconsciously quickly reached for her mask knocking it to the ground. Her hand groped around her bare face. The unfamiliar sensations promptly woke her, sitting upright she frantically felt around the bed and her own body in search of her mask. Before she could look to the ground she found an unfamiliar woman staring at her mimicking her movements. The woman had mid-length brown cascading hair, complementing a wheatish tone. There were a few marks and scars on her face adding to her beauty, and a pair of strikingly light brown eyes.

As she stared at the woman Ayla noticed tears rolling down her face. The woman was beautiful not only in appearance there was a certain draw to her, she was so captivating to her. She wondered if she could ever be the woman in that mirror. But that was a fleeting thought she found her mask and quickly wore it. She took one last look in the mirror, the image of that beautiful woman was gone staring at her now was the tool used only for the sake of redeeming her mother's name and her own. She stared into the eyes of the exile she had become as a result of good misguided intentions.

Menefer found Anna sitting on a window sill in the common room of the apartment. Even before asking the question on her mind she knew. Staring at the figure Anna, slumped shoulders, hunched over almost curling into a ball, the answer was obvious but she still had to ask as the only friend they each had left.

"Are you okay?"

"Do you think that's how they would've looked, my girls?"

"Not at all your face or his I wouldn't wish that on my second worst enemy," Menefer waved her hand as though shooing away the thought, missing Anna's slightly shaking fist.

"We live in a world full of superpowers, monsters, and whatever is on the other side of that gate Damian opened. We've seen the impossible, the unthinkable, and just outright miracles. Do you think- do you think she might be I know it isn't I don't want it to be but could she be one of my girls? I know it's not possible but we've seen stranger things especially with Damian and-" Anna paused just as she had lost the man who would've been the father of her children, Menefer also lost someone that day and she had never asked her how she felt or why it happened.

"Merc, he was even stranger than his cousin wasn't he. It's fine you don't have to tip-toe around it he was my best friend and stranger than any alien or monster ever could be. They were strange and we've seen many things this year. If she really is one of yours that wouldn't be the strangest thing that's happened. But the question is how was she born and when? You were still pregnant before Damian opened the Gate, she's at least eighteen." (A/N pronounced Mercy)

"Like you said we've seen many things."

Unknown to them the person they were discussing was listening to the entire conversation and was fast approaching after Menefer's questions about her mother. Ayla appeared in front of them, eyes ablaze as she stared at both women. She quickly glanced over Menefer before turning her attention to Anna. She studied the woman closely for the first time, she made strange hand gestures. Seeing that Anna didn't mimic those gestures she reached forward and touched Anna resting her hand on her shoulder. A moment later she removed her hand and did the same for her mask.

"Why did you mention my father, who are you to him and why do you look like me?"

Those were the most words Ayla had spoken during their entire journey together and each one was akin to a bomb. She would never truly understand the impact her words had on both women. For Menefer she had joked and even encouraged Anna a bit just seconds ago but she didn't believe such a miracle could happen. Even now taking Ayla's age into account she was between hoping and dreading Ayla having another mother and her resemblance to Anna being a coincidence. For Anna, though she was ready to devote her life to any and all gods if need be, there was a chance although the girl before her was several years older than any children she could've given birth to she was hopeful that Ayla would confirm that miracle was possible.

Seeing that Anna was in no position to answer or ask any questions, Menefer took the role upon herself.

"What do you mean Damian was your father when were you born and who is your mother?"

"I don't know, I was never told the date of my birth or had a birthday. My mother- the woman who gave birth to me has always told me she was not my mother and that my father's name was Damian Mallory the man that caused all of this. Again who are you to my father?"

"What is your mother's name?" Anna asked, finally recovering from the initial shock.

"Brooke Mallory, she has told me that my father was her brother."

This time both Menefer and Anna were beyond shocked. Menefer quickly formulated an idea of her own and covered her mouth, her cheeks bloated quite a few times before she settled. As for Anna she actually knew Brooke. She and Damian were never close despite being family. As for Brooke in particular she was wild, unhinged, and many other things in that same line but she never pursued any romantic or intimate entanglement. Actually, she couldn't even touch another person without becoming disgusted.

"Brooke can't be your mother, she's right about that. Damian explained it to me once, she could feel or um, read the emotions, memories, and minds of whoever she touched. She was a super empath he said and it drove her crazy. She especially hated Damian she didn't have to touch him to know what he felt, he didn't even need to tell us we always knew. Damian, your father was an open book, he said what he thought, did, what he wanted, and was always ready to take on the world if it spared us and anyone he considered one of his own. He never called us family he always said "For as many lives I've become a part of, those lives are a part of me. All of them are as much me as I am myself." it always sounded so sage-like he-"

"Excuse her, she really loved him. After all, he joined a whole war just because she batted her eyes," Menefer said while fending off Anna's menacing gaze, "Damian and her they were in love. I mostly heard about it since I was best friends with his cousin. She was pregnant before the Gate with twins."

"So does that mean she is my actual mother?"

Anna snapped out of her reverie and answered Ayla, "Can I even be much of a mother you've grown up strong and beautiful what do you need me for all these years later?" she had a sad smile that looked as self-mocking as the words she spoke.

"I have few memories before this year, I only know this world and city as it is now. But you are correct I do not need another mother now, but she said you were having twins. Then I have a sister somewhere out there right."

The room went silent. Anna and Menefer were both so focused on Ayla and everything else that was being talked about they completely forgot if one daughter was here, then the other should also be out there somewhere.

"Brooke didn't have twins?"

"I have never heard of having a sister until now. If I did then she hid it from me and I don't know where to find her anymore."

"Then how can I find my daughter!"

"I'm sorry but I don't know and it doesn't matter right now we have a mission to finish. We should attack the King of Beast today."