Chapter 14

Wynter and Katelyn found themselves in an entirely new world on the other side of the debris wall. While their base had grown and regained some semblance of the days before the gate. Outside the walls they've put up the world was still very much coming apart, they knew this but as their base grew and became safer others would forget the danger they were in. However, there was little that Katelyn could do about that aside from tossing them outside the base zone now and then.

Over two blocks away from the base they hadn't encountered any beasts. Although this was strange, neither of them thought much about it. Their group had proven they could fight back the beasts. Making it possible that the beasts backed off from the base on their own. Thinking that Katelyn sent a message back using the Warsoul suits communication network to halt all clearing operations.

"So are we still scouting ahead or should we head back?"

"Well, now we have two reasons to scout ahead. First, we'll see how far they pulled back, then we can check if it's possible to get to the Unitech building. Your- I don't know what he is to you but Cassius needs something from the building. I'll send another team later but it's better to know what they'll face going over."

The women started to sprint down the road. Before getting the Warsoul suits Katelyn would never have allowed anyone to haphazardly run through the city, not even herself. However, with the Warsoul suits now that changed, they could run so fast that even running straight at a beast they could still ambush it as long as they weren't seen before. They had enough defense to potentially survive small arms fire even at point-blank range and with the helmets on their perception could be accelerated allowing more time to think, not to mention the motion sensors.

After running for a while Katelyn came to stop, as the sensors picked up on movement not far from them. The senors on the Warsoul suit could pick up anything within 20m(65ft) and were tuned so that it registered anything at least 2-3m(3-6ft). A decision that made no sense to Nora when Katelyn requested it, yet she still did so. That decision allowed Katelyn to find any living human-sized object through debris and potentially rescue them.

"Wynter, wait there's someone here."

"It's probably one of those fake Saviors or someone just as bad. We should keep going."

"You don't know that. Just wait here I'll check it mysel-"

Two very familiar yet unfamiliar sounds interrupted her. Followed by both Katelyn and Wynter feeling as though they were punched. Katelyn clutched her shoulder in surprise while Wynter quickly retaliated by tossing a rock in the direction of the sound.

"See I told you just as bad as those other fanatic psychos," Wynter said as she readied herself to throw more stones.

"Wyn wait, there are more," Katelyn paused she stared at her sensors display on the visor, as more and more marks appeared, "We're surrounded."

Katelyn's voice was drowned out by the same sound once again this time even louder. Both women felt those same impacts again but from every direction. No matter where they turned they were being hit by something they failed to see. They weren't harmed by the impacts thanks to the suits, but every impact drew more energy from their bodies to continue powering the suits systems.

A red vein-like pattern appeared on Wynter's suit. Before Katelyn could stop her from doing anything Wynter moved. Everything went silent, the world lost color, time slowed, and one by one Wynter stopped feeling those impacts. To Katelyn Wynter became a blur, even after activating the adrenal systems on her suit. Katelyn was moving and reacting at speeds above Olympic athletes, yet even then she was still hit and couldn't see Wynter. Wynter on the other hand had started to not only dodge every bullet as she came to recognize it but, she was also returning fire in the form of stones tossed hard enough that a few of the guns hit were broken to say nothing of the individuals firing them.

"You think we'll let you armored monsters take our planet."

"Go back to your own damn world you alien bastards."

"Get the fuck off our world, you fly-eating bastards."

Wynter was still too far gone to hear the shouts coming from the other side. She seemed like a robot continuing to dodge and toss. Katelyn though could hear their shouts. She tried shouting to Wynter over the deafening gunfire.

"The hell are they talking about. Go back to our own planet, eating flies, and did they say something about aliens?"

She received her response from a surprising source, instead of her intended target.

"Hold your fire, they're one of ours."

Slowly the shooting stopped and so too did Wynter's rock tossing. The shooters came out into the open one by one before making their way over. Soon they arrived about three or so meters away from Katelyn and Wynter. One of them walked over to around two meters away from them.

"I'm William Johnston, sorry 'bout shooting you girls. You're wearing armor like those damn alien lizards."

"I'm Katelyn and the one mimicking our favorite barrel tosser is Wynter," she said interrupting Wynter before she could speak and causing William to hunch over laughing.

William was an overall average man, not too tall or short, handsome or ugly. He was an older man seemingly somewhere in his forties, he had graying hair on the sides of his head and sparsely in his beard. Most notably was his baring, there was the subtlety of practiced movements and combat experience in his choices when approaching. He stood far enough to react to any surprise attack, his people were positioned where all of them could take cover or even immediately fire.

"Your Human and you ain't talkin' about death and my savior this and our savior that, so far as I'm concerned you're all good. This ain't the right place to talk, damn fly-eaters come around now and then. Come on we'll head back to base."