Dolores comes again


We were awoken by the cats; I could smell Dolores; Mia's grandma told me in my mind not to move and to make sure Mia did not move.

I know he cannot smell us because Mia's grandma hid our scent. But if we make any noise, he will hear us.

He must think that we are gone; that is what I am hoping he thinks.

I got right in Mia's ear and whispered to her not to move and be very quiet.

She looked at me; I told her that the cats were growling because of Dolores.

Mia was scared; I held her tighter.

One of the cats made the most noise; we all were quiet until Dolores's smell disappeared.

I tried to talk to Mia's grandma with my mind, she heard me. I told her that I thought he was gone, that I could not smell him anymore.

She said she could not read his mind, so he must be gone.

I told Mia that it was safe now, that Dolores was gone.

I know she is still scared but, she trusts me, and she got up with me.

We all got up and slowly met in the living room; Mia held my arm for dear life.

James is trying to be the protector of Mia's grandma; I slowly made my way to all the windows and looked out.

My wolf and I did not see him, nor did we smell him; Mia's grandma is holding Mia and asks James and me if we could make a pot of tea.

James and I went out to the kitchen; I asked if anyone was hungry.

Mia was the only one; I made her eggs and toast.

James was making the tea while I was cooking; after everything was done, James and I brought everything to the living room.

Mia asked if I could get her a can of sardines; I did not ask why.

Sometimes I want to ask, but I never do; I went back into the kitchen and got them out of the cupboard.

I opened it over the sink and drained it; I brought it to the living room.

I handed it to her, Mia put some on her toast.

Lately, I cannot watch her eat; she has been eating a lot of gross stuff.

The cats went to Mia; Mia gave them some of her sardines.

James is trying to drink his tea; he looks very grossed out; I think James and I have the same face.

Mia's grandma looked fine with it; after Mia was done eating, I took her plate and cleaned up.

I threw the empty can away and went back to the living room; Mia's grandma said that Dolores would go to other packs to have them fight with him to get Mia.

Mia is scared; I told Mia she has nothing to worry about, that we have people who are going to help us against Dolores.

Mia's grandma told Mia that she would put a protection spell on all of us when the time came.

That made her feel better; I told Mia that all this worrying was not good for the baby.

Mia's grandma said that Dolores will come back tomorrow, I told them that we have the doctor's appointment, so hopefully, he will go then.

I changed the subject to the doctor's visit; I reminded Mia that we get to see the baby.

That made her excited about going to the doctor; Mia's grandma and James said they were coming too.

After everyone was done with their tea, we all decided to go to bed and try and get a few more hours of sleep.

Mia's grandma and James went into their room; Mia asked if I was coming.

I told her that I would be in; in a minute, Mia went to our room.

I went and got the cat treats, and I walked to them by the window.

I gave all three of them a lot of treats, they all came and started to eat the treats.

They won't understand, but I said thank you for warning us that Dolores was here.

I told them that I would give them each a can of tuna for their breakfast; I walked away from the cats and put the treats away.

I was heading to the bedroom; I swear I heard someone say, your welcome.

I looked around; the cats are eating their treats; I think I need sleep; everything that is happening is making me hear things.

My wolf told me that someone did say, your welcome; I went into the bedroom and laid next to Mia.

Mia asked if everything was ok; I pulled her to me and told her everything was fine.

I kissed her on her head; I told her to try and get more sleep for the doctor's visit.

Mia said she loves me; I told her that I love her more.

She said that was not possible; I just held her tighter.

I said goodnight to my mate; Mia said goodnight. We both laid there for a few minutes.

Mia was the first one to fall asleep; I was not that far behind her.

I thought I was going to have a nightmare, but I did not; Mia did.

She woke up crying; I got up and held her and asked what was wrong.

Mia said that she dreamed that Dolores had taken her, and I could not find her.

I held her tight and wiped her tears; I told her that myself and James, and her grandma would never let Dolores get her.

I do not think that anyone of us got much sleep last night; we all looked like zombies.

Mia's grandma was cooking something in the kitchen; James had his head on the table.

Mia went to the bathroom; I went and got out three cans of tuna and opened them.

I put them on the floor for the cats; the cats came and ate them like they had never had food before.

Mia's grandma just smiled at me; James was acting like he was dead; when Mia got out of the bathroom, I went in.

Means everyone is going to the doctor we will have to get ready after breakfast; when I got done in the bathroom, I sat at the table.

Mia put a plate in front of me, I wish I could tell you what it is, but I can't.

I just ate it; after we all got done eating, we all cleaned up and then got ready to go.

I opened the door and looked around, when I did not see anyone, we all left the house and got into the car.

I helped Mia in and went to the driver's side; I got in and started the car.

When everyone was ready, I pulled out and pulled onto the road.

When we got to the doctor, I shut the car off and got out; I ran around the car and helped Mia out.

We all headed into the doctor's office; we went to the front desk and told the receptionist that we had an appointment for an ultrasound; she asked if this was Mia's first time being there; I told her yes.

She gave Mia some papers to fill out, the receptionist told us to have a seat and that the nurse would call us when they were ready.

We sat down, and I looked and saw the receptionist checking out James, Mia's grandma seen her checking out James and just laughed at the receptionist.

Mia's grandma knows James did not notice; James was too busy making goggle-eyes at Mia's grandma.

The nurse came out and called us back; we all got up and followed her.

The nurse told Mia to get on the scale, Mia did, and it made Mia sad.

Mia thinks I will leave her because of her weight, but I won't leave her.

I will not leave her for something that vain; the nurse then took us to the ultrasound room and told Mia to lay down.

Mia laid down, and the nurse asked Mia to raise her shirt; Mia did.

The nurse then put gel on Mia's belly; the nurse logged in to the computer, grabbed the wand-looking thing,, and put it on Mia's belly.

We could hear our pup's heartbeat; Mia cried when she saw our pup.

I was crying too; the nurse took some pictures of our pup; she wiped off Mia's belly when the nurse was done.

The nurse said that next month we could find out the sex of the baby; Mia looked at her confused.

The nurse told Mia that pups grow faster than normal babies; I helped Mia off the table and helped her stand.

The nurse gave us the pictures, and we left the room we headed for the lobby.

When we got to the lobby, the receptionists gave James a piece of paper, James looked at it.

It was her number; James gave it back to her, and he put his arm around Mia's grandma and walked out.

Mia and I followed, I helped Mia get in the car, and I ran around and got in.

I started the car, and when everyone was ready, I pulled out and headed home.

Mia is looking at our pups' pictures; I am thrilled right now.

I have the love of my life, my mate, and now I am going to be a dad.