Chapter 49 The Reunion

Esai Kinzuma| Nakio Galaxy, Anios Sector, 2207 Early-February

Esai stood in the alleyway as tries to sense his teachers but they were nowhere to be found, almost as if he was no longer within the range of them anymore. He is winded from teleporting tremendous distance as he needs to recuperate for a while as he leans on the wall to rest for at least for five minutes as he sees vehicles flying up in the air. There heard a crowd from down from the rooftop as he walked but nearly fell five hundred stories tall as he saw people from overhead seeing people walking like ants from his point of view.

These large pipes that very much like vines that are the size of the skyscraper had to step backward slowly because he nearly had a heart attack. It is broad daylight as he takes in some air to his lungs as still a bit sore his resting came to an end. When he hears some shouting as drones are swarming these kids obscures his vision as he gets up to help them. Esai uses Vida energy as he positions his index finger like a gun then he rapidly fires multiple projectiles against some of the drones that explode when the amber projectile hits although some that missed that nearly hit kids.

"Your aim sucks, a blind man can shoot better than you!"A familiar blond-haired kid's voice complained.

"Hey, that must have been an accident, don't give him a hard time!" Another familiar is thankful for help.

"I don't care if his aim is not sharp, it's better than us dealing alone!" a youthful tone of voice also expressing gratitude.

Esai nearly choked in his tears as he recognized those voices. As Isaac and Abel manage to take out some drones by using their hands shooting spiritual projectiles, taking out the rest of the drones. At last they met face to face and they were shocked. It felt like a year seeing one another, but it had been four months. They immediately start hugging one another.

"Esai!Where the heck have you been!" Leo asked with curiosity.

Esai had so many questions to ask but before they could have a long needed reunion seeing friends again.There were more drones showing up this time with weapons on sight that are set to kill. As lasers shoot at them as Esai, Isaac, Abel, and Leo start running for it. As they start leaping from platform to platform while drones are hunting them down. Leo jokes while they run "Some reunion after all this time we get hounded like dogs!" Esai did not want to admit it but he misses Leo's bad jokes.

Isaac and Abel try to reduce the numbers of the drones not exactly easy to focus while on the run they would only have some spiritual energy to spare.Right there they run out of platform to run to as it was the edge of the city. Isaac curses that they are at the end of the road.

"There's no more buildings to leap over!" Isaac stares over the safety bar rail as the dark pits that show guidance lights.

"We have no choice but to defend ourselves!" Abel got in a fighting stance as the drones aimed their weapons at them.

Esai was not confident enough to take on the entire drone hive, but Esai received an impression to jump off. At first it was crazy until he was told through his spirit "There is a flying craft that is a garbage truck coming up at you and your companions must act now before it's too late." Esai jumps on the rail bars as his friends freak out about what he is doing.

"Esai what are you doing that is death you are staring at! Get off from there!" Isaac shouts at Esai to get off.

"I am going to jump!"Esai confirms his actions.

"We got press through and jumping off the building is not the answer!"Isaac got his spiritual energy flowing to his hand.

"Did you get hit with a coconut to your head? It must have cracked."Leo getting ready to throw hands with the drones.

Esai just jumps off, which dumbfounded Isaac, Abel, and Leo as he quickly shouts "There is a garage truck down there!''while Esai's spiky hair flowing backward as he free falls leaves his friends utterly speechless. Leo against his judgement actually follows behind Esai as he jumps "The garbage truck better have a soft cushion or we are going to pancakes!" as Leo's face flopping fell as well.

Isaac and Abel for a brief moment of hesitation then they both jumped off screaming. As there were neon lights flashing as they were screaming as there was a garbage truck arriving as it was rising.There was an open trunk that was filled with garbage bags that they safely landed with a soft cushion. Esai, Isaac, Abel, and Leo are deep in the garbage bags as they rise up. As the drones lose sight of them as they fly away. Isaac had to call out Esai "You are crazy Esai for what you did, but if you did not do what you did we would've been wasted." Esai just lay as his spiky hair sinks into the bags as the garbage smells rancid.

"Ha, you said wasted."Leo chuckles with his usual manner.

"Great, he is at it again." Isaac descends his head as he groans.

"Sheesh brother you had to mention the word 'wasted' now going to use trashy puns" Abel closed eyes with annoyance.

"What are you guys talking about? You two are recycling these jokes amateurs."Leo dissed them and their faces were priceless while their mouths hung open.

There was a trash lid quickly shut which caused everyone to panic as the light was shut out that brought darkness to the area.Before they could act the garbage truck actually went to space as it got cold and had the air ventilation machine activated. Esai trembling again for his space phobia kicked in.

"Whoa you are shaking as if you have a seizure man!"Leo points out while shaking from the cold himself.

"I get it is cold but this is something else entirely, something transpired. Esai are you okay?" Isaac pressing for information.

"I'd rather we talk about it later, when we reach solid ground again.So please leave me be for awhile." Esai covered his face while reciting some scriptures in his head to calm his mind and body.

They remain in silence while they are in darkness which can be the most unpleasant experience and let down especially for some who have to hitch a ride inside a garbage truck in space for the first time.The garbage truck enters the warp drive. Unaware where they are heading however, their destination is not their own for they are being led by the Holy Spirit of going to a certain planet. Esai recognized this as he prayed for comfort for this uncomfortable time that he felt has icy breath from his mouth as he felt his heart rate rapidly beat as he grits with bleakness and negativeness which upset him greatly.

Isaac, Abel, and Leo examine Esai with sympathy because they never see him so miserable and being in the dark, tight, compact, intolerable smell, and cold did not help the mood right now. As of right now they have to bear with it as they are still at warp speed and just how long they have to wait they do not know.

"I hate awkward silences. It is my least favorite thing to do." Leo complains about the mood they are in.

"Well we could use some pass time. We can think of a game that we can entertain ourselves with." Isaac thinks about what kind of games they play.

"How about charades?" Abel suggested.

"We can't see very well and especially when we are in a cramped space right now. It has to play with words." Isaac shot down that idea.

"How about knock jokes?" Leo excitedly jumps on the idea.

"Sure why not."Isaac has sarcasm in his voice.

"Alright knock knock."Leo starts.

"Who's there?" Abel humors Leo.

"Mark,"Leo replied.

"Mark who?"Isaac sighs.

"Mark who is going to market!" Leo laughs.

Isaac and Abel stood there in silence as Leo could honestly think he heard crickets chirping. Leo clicks his tongue "Tough crowd." as his head sinks lower to the garbages with defeat.Bring out awkwardness once again how bad that knock knock joke was flat.

"How about a riddle?"Isaac wants to move on to different subjects.

"Riddles really? Are we in Greek? You riddle, geek!" Abel does not want that which left Isaac taken back.

"I do not want a riddle to make my head burn." Leo complains about it.

"Punk please don't even use your head to save your life Leo when you came up with that joke." Isaac insults Leo's intelligence.

"You take back! I came up with that on the fly." Leo sounded offended with Isaac.

They were busy arguing with one another as Esai sighs "So much for silence." Suddenly the ship halted immediately and then slumped and staggered to the bags.

"WHAT GOING ON!?"Leo looked around nervously.

The garbage truck had finally exits the warp drive unknown to them they reach to the planet that has dumper station as the garbage truck had opened the trunk that is transformative drop lift as the top of the lift had unload the garbage bags as Esai, Isaac, Abel, and Leo are dropped to the on the conveyor belt along with the trash was with them. They were very much disoriented because the sudden brightness of the light caused some confusion. Esai pop out from the pile of the bags to see they are heading toward the furnace.

Leo kicks all the bags off of him as he just sees what Esai is watching as Leo comments "We are going to be over cooked ducks if we don't get out!" Abel stares at Leo like it was the most obvious thing.

Isaac tries to use his spiritual abilities to blast a hole unfortunately, he shows his exhaustion like he is not used to over exposure to spiritual energy. Esai uses Vida blast as the amber beam of energy vaporizes the metal vent enough for them to escape. There was a metal walkway as they ran out of there. Fleeing from the dumpster factory as there was a grove that had a bench while there were people walking their own business. Esai wore a gray suit that had special features to decontaminate the stench off his entire body. Isaac, Abel, and Leo could not believe that Esai was alive.

Esai was now comfortable to speak with them about his astrophobia since they were on solid ground. They all sat down on the bench to listen Esai's story from what happened for last four months when they all originally thought that Esai got killed when the bombing of their old elementary school.

"You all remember my sixth grade teacher named Tani Dark and the girl named Somu Kio?" Esai stood before them rehearsing what he remembered.

"You mean that blond lady that has a creepy atmosphere as well as that rag-tag-along that nearly killed you?" Abel scorns, especially mentioning Somu.

"Yeah I remember them, we had not seen them since you ended up in the hospital after that beating she was a monster." Isaac frowns while feeling angry about that.

"Tani Dark…?" Leo had fleeting memories about that name as sound familiar can't place a finger on and does not know why.

"Yeah it turns out that my teacher was a psychotic serial killer while Somu was under her control. They planned to kill me in elementary school."Esai grimaces about that.

"No way, they came back for that? How in the world did the security system not notify the police, especially when locked up and live feed with a camera."Isaac was alarmed by this information.

"This took place at night. It was the most terrifying night of my life. It was actually planned from the start, everything was sabotaged, even the synthetic machines. I was isolated from anyone to get help to explain the explosions going off as how no one could hear it because she set up some kind of barrier that was veil; making people unaware, even obvious." Esai explained while animated about it.

"So it was her ideal way of doing whatever she wanted without consequences." Abel pales about what awful things have been done to Esai.

"Yes, she did it because she had nothing to lose and Tani had an unfinished business with me deemed worthy to deal with. I was chased down by Somu because she did not have a choice and was leveling elementary school to ground.Tani was waiting for me to beat me up mercilessly as my futile attempt to fight back that she out classed me in every way. Somu had broken free from the control from Tani with help from me however, she still strong and fast was riled up with the betrayal of Somu that she was going to impale her with her own hand. While bloodied up, I had the ability that recently awakened. When I used a blast that vaporized her right arm clean off. I saved her life however, completely enraged Tani that she grabbed me with her remaining arm. She twirls me around to gain momentum. It was so fast it created a mini-tornado that was thrown to sky and eventually to space while spinning non stop…" Esai trembles at the experience remembering the dreadful void of space that was suffocating his life and freezing.

Isaac, Abel, and Leo witnessed Esai trembling as they could not comprehend suffering and death experience. All they could do was feel sympathy for Esai as he was recalling some scraps of memories which were the most painful.

"It was flipping backward continuously because it was impossible to stop the momentum while I was trying to hold my breath. I do not know why I was vainly holding on to my fleeting life. I knew it was over. I only had thirty second to live because I am well beyond the range of Earth as a speck of dust view while dealing nauseous pinwheel motion as the freezing over ice was covering my entire body that was stiffening up." Esai's eyes were fearful as a drip of sweat was going down his face as his body recalled that traumatizing moment that will be carried with him for the rest of his life.

"I was literally dying as I saw my life flashing before my eyes, not sure if I had hallucinated or not I saw bright yellow neon light. That was the last thing I saw, presumably I would journey to the afterlife. However, once again it was not my time to depart in life for I had woken up on a pirate ship." Esai stops right there to see if they want him to continue with his story.

They impress him to continue however they seem well rested as they want to walk because they have been cramping up since being in the trash trunk for who knows how long. Esai explains all the hardship and trials that he had gone through. Although he kept out being a Messenger because he does not know how they would react being one while passing through adults that were towering over them as they occasionally gazed because of Esai's and Isaac's spiky hair as well Leo's blond hair. They do stand out from the crowd regardless of whether they kept going as they saw there was a layout strip mall that goes roundabout street for pedestrians going to four different directions.

Esai finished that by explaining that had some training before ended where they are as now finished with the current events of his own.

"I am curious now, how did you three even end up here? Before we had met?" Esai asked his friends as they were seeing different vendors.

With that Isaac casually spoke like he got a clear idea "Well that should be easy we got here by…"Isaac spaced out as he turned for his little brother to help him out.

Abel was surprised by his brother for putting on the spot"Eh...I...uh...hey, Leo do you know how we got here?" as he hoped that Leo would know.

" ask me if I had any idea how we got here. It is like an equivalent of asking me if I pay attention in class. I donno." Leo felt insulted.

Esai paid attention to their reactions as they stopped immediately where they were as the crowd passed around them as they went about their business. It was a realization that they had no idea how they got here or even remember why they were here, which was mysterious and bothered them greatly.

"Wait if you two don't know and even I don't? Does this mean we are experiencing amnesia from certain side effects from going somewhere!?" Leo put his hands on his face in horror.

Even Isaac and Abel are panicking too, normally they would be calm and collective for whatever the reason they just lost their cool. This attracted unwanted attention from people starting noticing a bunch of kids freaking out however, Esai had control of the situation by pushing friends away from the crowd. As he told his friend sternly "Hey get grip! You are bringing unwanted attention right now. We will figure out later that we have not got anything decent to eat in a while." Esai pulled his friends toward this fruit produce vendor.

"Really a fruity store Esai, I want a burger that would be nice and filling." Leo made a big fuss with Esai.

"I am not even remotely familiar with this planet's cruise food, because this place has fruits that are similar back on Earth." Esai looked at the man standing at his vendor with categorized baskets of fruit with different shapes and colors.

The store waves at them,"Welcome to my store, please have a look." as he introduced his price tags from what Isaac observed of the currency: Gold, Silver, and Copper.

Mostly it is self explanatory only one problem they got no money as the store owner takes notice of this seeing they are not pulling out their wallets as they just browsing which to him is an insult and waste of his previous time "No money, no business." he waves his at them to go away.

Esai asks the store owner "Can you hire us to work for you so that we can eat?" which the store owner thought about for a moment then showed some sympathy allowing them to work for certain hours.