18. Jerry had feeling with Rina

When the food arrives at the Sakura dorm and Jerry wakes up from his nap and he seat on the sofa went he eat his food with Rina and others also eat dinner.

Jerry: Thanks for the food

Kris: no problem but enjoy the dinner meal

Matsuda: so Jerry did you get any plan for today that I want to have a moment together

Jerry: I think so but I have so much emotional

Tamura: aw both of you are cute together

Later Jerry put down his food and he drag Hono out of the living room dorm and just he wanted to talk to Hono and he ask her to have his favour to say about Matsuda being his life before he died in her arm.

Tamura: Jerry Senpai!

Jerry: I need a favour from you Hono

Tamura: sure of course

While Jerry say his favour to her and she can see that he had his super nervous about him.

Jerry: if I died can you take care of Matsuda Rina for me went I gone

Tamura: of course I can just trust me

Jerry: thank you Hono-chan I owe you and take care of her okay

Tamura: okay Senpai

While Jerry returns back to the Sakura dorm in the living room and they look at Tamura's face is hiding something with Jerry will go he going to die because he had brain cancer.

Risa: Hono are you feeling okay?

Tamura: I'm feeling okay why?

Kobayashi: I can feel that you are hiding something from us

Suddenly, Hono grabs Jerry arm and she asks him to teleport anywhere but not here with them.

Jerry: Hono what's wrong?

Tamura: teleport anywhere but not here can you do that

Jerry: I can try I didn't teleport that very long

Matsuda: wait since when you had a superpower on you

Jerry: that is my dad fault are you ready, Hono

Tamura: yes I'm ready

Kobayashi: wait...don't go we just want for you to talk to us

Out of nowhere, Jerry and Tamura suddenly disappear in front of them and suddenly we appear somewhere in the past where they haven't seen them in the future seeing each other.

Jerry: oops I think I did teleport back to the past

Tamura: what? you do!

He teleports back to the where back went Kobayashi attack Hono but Jerry sigh and Matsuda hug him and says that what happened to him.

Matsuda: Jerry did something happens at the teleport

Jerry: yes!

Risa: forget about what I say to you today

Matsuda: Jerry just tried and he needs to rest

Jerry: I think so yea great idea, Rina

Suddenly, Matsuda hiding her face off she is blushing and we can see that she is hiding behind Karin back.

Jerry: did I do something wrong?

Risa: nope you didn't do anything wrong

Jerry: okay night guys

Later Jerry went upstairs to his room near the toilet and he went inside to his room and sleep until morning.

The next morning at Jerry room and he had a vision saying that he had no record of been brain cancer but he had to take a bullet from his fiancee and he went to Kris hospital for checking him.

Jerry POV.

What did I saw is that a future went I got no record of being a brain cancer and since when I have taken a bullet from someone that I love the most of my life.

Later the 2nd gen was knocking at Jerry room and he open the door and look at them with what happened with you guys today and why I didn't see Rina anywhere this morning.

Yumiko: Ohayo Senpai did you sleep well

Jerry: yes I did and where is Rina

Morita: she is out for a job

Jerry: a job for what?

Takemoto: she is a model

When Takemoto said that Matsuda is a model and out of a sudden, he got another vision from today and went she want to return back to the Sakura dorm she is struck at top of the lift and she was scared of heights.

Karin: Senpai are you okay?

Jerry: I will be right back I just need to save Rina from there

Risa: but how did you know that going to happen to her

Jerry: I got a bad feeling about it I need to go

He just left and he take his bicycle BMX out start to paddle and go to where her job at.

Sugai: huh? where is Jerry going?

Kobayashi: I saw him a while ago and he just gone

Risa: he said save Matsuda from something

Sugai: for what to save her?

Kanemura: he can see the future that is might happen or bad thing is going to happen in front of you

Inoue: how did you know all of this too much, Miku

Kanemura: we vampires had a vision but not can see the future as Jerry did

In the meantime, Jerry arrive at the Rina building and he saw that she is leaving the room and she going to the lift.

Jerry: don't worry Rina I will save you

While Jerry park his bicycle and he went inside at the lift went she is waiting for the lift to go up to her floor.

Jerry: come on please be safe and don't worry yourself

When Jerry goes to the top floor at the Matsuda floor went he made it and the lift open she look at Jerry was here to see her.

Matsuda: Jerry what are you doing here?

Jerry step forward and put a sign on the lift saying that out of order and finally the repairman come to see the lift is actually broken and he say thank you to Jerry.

Repair guy 1: thank you for putting the sign

Jerry: no problem just helping other

Matsuda: Jerry how did you know that the lift needs repair

Jerry: I can explain to you and but first can we get out from here, please

Matsuda: sure okay

We get out from the model building and we arrive at the lobby floor went Jerry and Rina are going to his BMX bicycle and he stops at his bicycle and starts to speak to her about seeing the futrure.

Matsuda: what are you want to talk about?

Jerry: okay bit went I say to you and make sure no get surprised about I'm going to say to you okay

Matsuda: okay

Jerry take a deep breath and he inhaled in and out and speaking to her went said that he can see the future to Rina.

Jerry: Rina, I can see the future and I had a feeling that I had crush on you

Matsuda: did you have a crush on me?

Jerry: Yes! Rina, I do have a crush on you

Matsuda: me too I love you, Jerry

They left the model building just paddle on his BMX bicycle and we arrive at the Sakura dorm and they can see that we are in a rush off Jerry bug hit of can see the future or more than can see the past or something great is about to happen around us and you didn't know it yet.