Haku festival

"Is he sick or something?" a female voice asked.

"I do not know. I have never seen such a case. If this is his condition, how can he help us with our situation? Eventually, she is going to come back here to claim yet another youth," a grumpy male voice said in a worried tone.

"Anyways, I have to help with preparations, watch him for me,".

Awoken by familiar voices, Kevin sat up on the bed looking at the same room he was in before.

"You are awake!" The nurse exclaimed. After the conversation she had, she too had a worried expression on her face.

"Is something the matter?" Kevin asked noticing her expression.

"Nothing, anyways you have been unconscious for a whole day. Today is rather a busy day since a festival is going on. I will be going as well, but you can decide to come," the nurse suggested.

Releasing a pained grunt, Kevin's head had been constantly ringing with pain as though one was constantly striking it refusing to cease fire. Staggering a bit, he managed to walk to the shower with the nurse directing him to its location.

There was not much for him to do, so he decided to participate in the festival but not before taking a shower. Since his previous day was interrupted by him fainting, he was currently stinking up.

"Umm... Nurse! How do I use the shower?" he tried shouting out. In the shower, he was comforted with a troubling situation. Two switches on the were, one signified cold and the other hot. However, instead of using colors to identify the temperature, they were represented by words unknown to Kevin.

Still not knowing what auto-translation was in his head, he was at least thankful for being able to comprehend this dimension's language verbally. Then there was written, being no different than children's scrambles in his eyes.

'What a pain, it is all or nothing. I will choose the left,' he mentally encouraged himself, to push the switch.

A few seconds after his decision, a scream came from the washroom, startling the nurse. It was painfully obvious he chose the wrong one.


After his bath, he dressed in a spare attire provided by the nurse, who patiently waited for him to finish his bath.

Leaving the clinic, Kevin was in awe at the stunning sight the village provided. In the daytime, the city was bright and lively but at the night it was simply magnificent. The village had multicolored lanterns which lit the city streets at night, providing a warm display of colors.

"Mr. Virg... Kevin!" turning his head left and right he could not identify the person calling out to him causing him to continue gazing at the city.

"KEVIN!" a light shout disturbed his thoughts as he looked towards the source.

"What is wrong with you? I already know you are a virgin, so don't be stiff!" Lilith exclaimed only to burst into laughter afterward.

'Tch,' Kevin mentally clicked his tongue.

"Are you okay? Last time I saw you, you fainted. Was it a fever from the cold atmosphere or something else?".

Releasing a laugh that lasted for only a brief second, Kevin thought if there was one leader quality she had, it was her caring attitude.

"I am fine," he responded.

"Soo... are you gonna compliment our dresses or what? I know you have memory loss, so today I will settle with a compliment,".

Taking a good look at their clothing, they both wore clothes similar to Japanese yukata. Lilith's clothes were blue with white design lines whereas Angela's was red with yellow design lines.

"I guess you both look stunning," this comment earned a blush from Angela. Lilith seeing this, decided to abuse the situation.

"Eh? Kevin, I never knew you were such a player. I bet you are drooling, think of us," Lilith said cheekily.

"I guess so," Kevin lied through his teeth. Maybe it was due to his memory loss, but he thought why would he drool to anything apart from food.


Hearing the sounds, most villagers departed to the center of the village, where the chief would announce the beginning of the event.

"Umm....guys I have to go," Angela said, quickly leaving afterward.

"Since she is the next chief, she will have to offer a dance with a few girls It is part of their custom," Lilith explained. "Anyways let's head to the center as well,".

Heading towards the center, Kevin noticed the mass population. There were quite a lot of people in the village. Sweeping his gaze around, most females were wearing the same kind of clothes as Lilith and Angela. He did not pay much attention to it, putting it under the assumption of their customs.

"Mr.vir...Kevin! Look that is the village chief," Lilith said pointing at an elderly man who stood beside the fountain.

Just like all residents he had blue hair and pupils. He was quite old and from Kevin's view, he could not walk without the support of a stick.

"Hello! Haku residents, as you already know today is the anniversary of our beloved village,".

Even though he was an old man, he had an audible voice. It was enough for the whole population to hear.

"Before....we celebrate such a miraculous day, I may inform you of the matter regarding No-".


Before he could finish, a loud explosion sound resounded through the village.