
"Are we starting now?" Lilith asked, a little impatient to get strong. Getting defeated by both Klein and Norm left a bad taste in her mouth, one that would only be washed after winning a fight.

"Why not? We only have seven days."

"Wait, I have some questions!"Kevin spoke, wanting a few things to be addressed first.

Klein nodded, ready to answer any question he was willing to.

"Ah, Kevin I wanna hurry up and start the training."Lilith nagged.

Looking at her complaining, Kevin face palmed himself, he was the one with memory loss so why was Lilith acting as if a week of training would make her a legend?

"Lilith mentioned there were seven elements, namely; Water, Fire, air, earth, lightning, light, and dark. So why were Angela and Norm able to use ice?"Kevin asked, he had this question on his mind for a while but forgot due to recent events.

"That is a rather good question. It was actually what I was going to teach you about tomorrow. As you said, there are seven core elements. But, the core elements are the primary stage of magic. I believe you know this much?"

"Precisely. Looks like Lilith did know her stuff."Kevin said while directing his gaze to Lilith.

"Hmph! What do you take me for?" Lilith asked, quite disappointed that Kevin doubted her knowledge.

"Reckless, careless, a sore loser, disappointing mango..."As requested, he began to list everything he took Lilith for but was stopped by her from continuing.

Continuing his speech with Klein, he shifted his gaze from Lilith back to the teacher.

"Every person at least possesses a bit of Mana which allows them to use magic. Only a single element can be used by a single person."Kevin surprisingly repeated everything Lilith told him in a summary form.

"That is right, but did you know one can train their magic to reach the second form. It is called a deviant element. Everyone has a single deviant element which can sometimes be rare."

"Sometimes?"Kevin asked, confused with Klein's choice of words.

"Yeah. Just like core elements, people can have the same deviant element but others can have a deviant element that is unique to them only. They are pretty common."Klein explained.

"I suppose there is a third."Kevin joked.

"Indeed there is, it's called a magical imprint, the highest form of magic one can attain. Unfortunately, one week of training cannot help you to gain either form. However, Lilith has a deviant element, that is what she used in our little test. If I can teach you to utilize your core element and help Lilith master her deviant element, then you might be able to defeat Norm."

"Might?"Lilith questioned.

"I am a mage, not a miracle worker!"

Hearing Klein's response, Kevin could not help but mock Lilith. She acted as though she was going to be receiving a power drug or a wish from seven balls.

"Today I will be teaching you guys materialization. Every magic user should be capable of performing this.

Stretching his palm out in front of both of them, a single flame lit up. Wanting to learn more about what he was about to do, they spectated as the single flame flickered before their eyes, and the shape and form of the flame began to change.

'Wow!' Kevin inwardly praised. He had to admit, it looked cool.

After a quick second, it changed into the shape of a long arrow.

"This is what I am going to be teaching you, changing the form and shape of your magic into another. That was the same principle Lilith used to change her magic into a compressed arrow form."

Kevin's eyes sparkled with excitement, but first, he had to get rid of his problem.

"Although you can use it, it was rather basic. You will have to learn to use it in a more complex way."

"And Kevin, for your problem. Your magic power is stronger than your body can handle. I once went through the same problem. Luckily for you, I can teach you to meditate and control the flow of mana in your body to prevent harming yourself. I was taught this when I was young by someone precious, so you better be grateful." Klein explained."You get it?"

"I think so." Kevin lied through his teeth, protecting his honor to the end. He was one hundred percent sure Lilith would seize this opportunity to tease him.

"You do not, do you?"Klein asked almost as if he was reading Kevin's mind.

"Yes, I am afraid so, "Kevin admitted.

"Loser." Lilith insulted.

"Ah well you do not need to, I will show you and you follow my instructions," Klein said, cheering up Kevin in the process.

Moving on as instructed, Klein arranged a training schedule, he trained Lilith in advanced materialization while teaching Kevin the basics of magic.

Thoroughly helping Kevin, Klein taught him how to meditate and control Mana though out his body. It was not an easy task at first but after a few hours, he was getting the hang of it.

"It hurts less!"Kevin shouted in excitement while lightning covered his hand, although smiling was still an issue, he at least tried which formed an awkward face that Lilith and Klein ignored most of the time.

"That is how it is supposed to be, not making you pass out !"Lilith chimed in.

"Shut up!"

"At least it worked for you, but remember to keep practicing it to completely avoid self-harm. Nothing is sadder than a death caused by unintentional suicide." Klein advised, indirectly implying Kevin could die if he kept using his magic recklessly.

"Guess we are done!"Klein decided on ending the lessons now.

"Finally."Both Kevin and Lilith sighed in exhaustion. Klein taught them both simultaneously for hours as if he were a robot. They knew they had to get stronger, but then the body had its limits.

Using the free time Klein lent them, Lilith wanted to know Klein's motive. Why would he train with random strangers? She could have asked Graham maybe he knew, but being a bit lazy she decided to ask the source of her confusion.

"Klein, why are you teaching us? Even if the village is destroyed, does that affect you?"Lilith posed the question that had also been lingering on Kevin's mind for a while but he decided to not pry.

"Why do I do it? It's quite simple, I wanna make a group of strong people fights for what is coming. And seeing you guys, I decided why not spare a week."

'For what is coming?'Lilith thought.

"Are you looking for black magic users?"Lilith asked.

"Yes, but they are quite rare almost too rare. But I have to say you guys have extraordinary potential, one of my best choices."

"Aww, he called me extraordinary," Lilith muttered to herself but was heard by Kevin.

"Do not get on your high horse, he called me extraordinary as well," Kevin said immediately dropping Lilith's excitement as they began walking to the house.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Did you not say we are done?"Lilith asked in confusion.

"Yes done with learning but not with training. We have to have a little sparring match, to conclude today's events."

"As expected of our teacher, not only can he crush us physically but also mentally."Kevin scoffed wanting to complain, but he knew it would not be addressed.

"Just kill me now!"Lilith on the other hand began to whine.

"Your training is just going to get harder from here on out."

Activating their magic simultaneously, Lightning flickered around Kevin as a gust of wind blew across Lilith's face. Kevin still felt pain when using magic but compared to before he could probably use it for an hour or two. However, with constant practice, each day it would get better and better.

"Come at me!"

"You asked for it."And with that Lilith and Kevin charged toward Klein, giving their all in the sparring match.

Days till yetification completion:6 days