Facing him directly

Lilith was at a loss for words, not until she got called did she realize the loopholes in her plan. First of all, if she had gotten more information she would have known that they perform practice matches. Secondly, she would have chosen someone with the same element as her.

Moreover, the voice of Mika was rather deep compared to hers, at least that was what she could tell from the woman's final words. This meant that she had to fight without using magic and talking or at least fake having a sore throat.

'Wait, I am probably thinking too hard. Who don't I just reject.' Lilith concluded, realizing that she was thinking about it a bit too much.

"Mika! Hurry up, you know the drill. Those who refuse training, are stripped of their rank and are harvested." The bandit shouted, crushing Lilith's plan in the process.

"Members of the gang are also abused ?"Kevin muttered.

Giving in, Lilith walked toward the bandit. She turned her head towards Kevin, hoping that he would come up with a plan. To her utter dismay, Kevin gave her a thumbs up, wishing her the best of luck. In all honesty, even if they were caught he would not worry much, with Lilith aiding he was confident he could take all of the guys around him. Unlike Norm, they did not emit a dangerous aura.

"Mika, why are you walking to me. Have you forgotten where we practice?"The man laughed, as he pointed toward an area where the snow has been cleared. It was in the same area that her opponent waited.

Lilith said nothing as she turned around to the area he pointed to.

"Mika, are you okay? You have been acting weird."A male bandit asked.

Not being able to talk, Lilith gave a simple gesture.

"Why are you not talking?"The man asked.

'Why is this guy so persistent?' The non-stop questioning eventually began to annoy her.

"Yes... I am fine."Lilith replied in a deep voice, trying her best to imitate Mika's."I just have a sore throat."

'Wierd, her throat was fine earlier today.'The man thought but gave it no more attention. It was time to train not to question.

"Here I come!"He announced as flames crawled up his arms. Stretching his arms forward, a few fireballs were launched toward Lilith.

'Fire element, just like Klein.' Lilith thought as she hopped away, dodging each ball of fire.

Kicking off the ground, Lilith ran towards the bandit wanting to engage in close-quarter combat. Since she could not use her magic, she wanted to get closer to deal damage with her fists.

"Why are you not using your earth magic?" The man questioned, as he threw out his fist covered in flames.

'Earth magic? So she does not use wind as I thought.' Lilith sighed.

Sliding in between the man's legs, Lilith instantly got up and delivered an axe kick before the man could turn around. Ending the match almost instantly.

"Mika, why did you not use magic?" A bandit questioned, making Lilith sweat.

"Why should she, when she could deal with him this easy?"Another bandit said whereas the others nodded in agreement.

"Good match!" Lilith said in a deep voice, lending out a hand to the bandit she drop-kicked. Despite her seemingly caring attitude, she was disgusted by each one of them but had to avoid blowing her cover.

"Mika, very nice match! I did not know you practice martial arts. Everyone head to bed, harvesting begins tomorrow afternoon." A muscular bandit ordered. Seeing as how he was giving commands, Lilith assumed him to be the second in command.

As instructed, all the bandits headed towards the village houses while the villagers were locked in human-sized cages. The sun then began to fall, leaving the moon and the stars to lighten the planet.


'Ugh, these guys smell.' Kevin grunted. Since she was impersonating a bandit, he as well had to head to bed. However, between their body odor and loud snores, he would have preferred to have been locked in a cage.

Leaving the house, he wanted to ask Lilith whether they were going to attack tonight. He could not stand staying here among smelly dogs any longer.

Quietly entering the women's house, Kevin silently called out to Lilith, thinking she as well would be awake. After all, how could she sleep soundlessly on a mission? Plus since they did not want to get caught, they left their masks on while sleeping which was very uncomfortable. And as Lilith loved to drool while sleeping, she must have had a swimming pool of saliva under the mask.

'Where is she?'Kevin thought after silent searching through the women's house.

'She is gone.'Kevin concluded, he tried to rack his brain thinking of where she might be. Suddenly, a thought popped up in his head.

'Don't tell me she went after the leader without me. I have to beat her to it.' Kevin inwardly accepted the challenge.'I will have to face him directly.'

Running out of the house, he headed to the North of the village. Usually with this many buildings, it would be hard to identify where the leader was but fortunately for Kevin, among the buildings, one was very large. He would bet anything that the leader was there.


"Master will you not play with us?" Two girls wearing bikinis in the cold weather asked in unison.

"I will be right there darlings. Hehe," The man chuckled.

"Lilith, you there?"

However before he could jump onto the girls, a voice echoed from the door's direction, followed by constant knocking.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Enough I will be there ." the man answered in an annoyed voice."I will be with you girls after I deal with this."

"Please hurry up, we cannot wait any longer!"The girls pleaded as they say on the sofa.

Rushing towards the door with an annoyed expression, the man hastily opened the door ready to hurdle insults at someone's child. As soon as he opened the door, a first came flying in crashing into his face sending him flying.

"You are the boss here, right?" a bandit asked as he removed his mask to reveal his black hair and blue eyes.

"My name is Kevin and I am here to take you down!"Kevin announced.

Terrified for their lives, the two girls in bikinis ran past Kevin into the cold weather.

"You dumb punk, I will make an example out of you."The man shouted as he threw out a wind slash that traveled mid-air.

Stepping to the side, Kevin dodged in the nick of time but was grazed on his arm. Taking a deep breath, lightning engulfed his feet as he leaped from wall to wall within the building.

"Haha, you're speed is superior to mine. But the moment you entered a room with limited space, you lost!"

"We will see about that!"Kevin said, launching himself towards the leader of the night hawks. He tightened his fist, ready to give him a hell of a punch.

With a smirk, the man stood there, seemingly amused at Kevin's efforts.

[Deviant element: Leach]


Knock! Knock!

"Come in."

As instructed a few men barged in.

"Boss your wives said that you were being attacked."That asked, obviously worried about their leader.

"Yeah, I was. But as you can see, I am fine. Please take that kid away."The boss said as he gently caressed the area where Kevin punched.

Following his orders, the two bandits carried the bloodied Kevin away.

'He packed quite a punch!'