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The rebellion including the five villages under Norm's rule has begun. As Lilith mentioned, the battle was to commence at Mount Kreg, where Norm's domain or castle if you prefer laid. The five villages utilized the six days to gather their best warriors. While Haku village aimed to save Angela, the other villages aimed only to kill Norm.

As planned, the five villages divided into two groups namely; group A and group B. Mount Kreg had only one direct path to the top in which group A planned to take, while group B would head for the South which had a very rough landscape. Compared to the North side, it was quite difficult to scale but was the best place to organize a sneak attack. They planned to win by overwhelming the yetis with numbers and a suprise attack from behind. Norm was fortunately not a god, even she could not face such a number by herself. Although Klein had informed them that Kevin and Lilith would face Norm, the other villages could not put their trust in two random travellers.

Group A consisted of Yerin, Mensu and a few members of Haku village while group B comprised of Taesu and Haku village. The weak fighters were to keep the normal yetis at bay while the stronger fighters faced the alpha males.

As group A headed towards the North, they eventually stumbled upon the yeti troops who were to protect the castle during the yetification process. Luckily for them, it was only a group consisting of normal yetis.

"Attack!" Gary cried.

Following his orders, it was an onslaught favoring the villagers completely with barely any losses. Seeing this Gary nodded in satisfaction, he was positive of achieving a victory.

"Move forward"

Crack! Gary was unfortunately cut short by an icicle which pierced his leg, breaking a bone as it dug in. He fell to the ground creating a thud sound as his screams echoed into the air, alerting the rest of the group.

"Where is the enem... what the fuc" A large shadow loomed over a few of them.

Bam! Creating a thunderous sound as a bye product of the attack, a Yemen crushed the men upon it's landing. Blood smeared across the snow as their crushed bodies laid there lifeless.

"Water bullet!" Gary shouted as he launched a projectile towards the beast.

The attacks drew a bit of blood, but it was far from a fatal wound. With a murderous glare, the Yemen gazed at Gary. It stretched it's arms, forming a long icicle.

Stab! Before it could throw it, it was unexpectedly stabbed in the thighs. It let out a pained grunt as it drove the icicle through the attackers abdomen. Afterwards, it out a deafening roar as it leapt through the air attacking more people. Like an enraged beast, it attacked everyone, tearing through the front of their formation. Based on it's action, it planned to kill those capable of using magic attacks first.

"No! No, please."A man shouted as he watched the Yemen preparing to bash his skull in.

Crack! Letting out another roar, the yeti screamed in pain as a sword was embedded into it's rib, possibly breaking a bone.

"Die!"Gary shouted while in pain as he pulled out the sword and once again stabbed.

Not appreciating the parcel given to it, the Yemen materialized a rather big sharp object and without a hint of hesitation, threw it towards Gary.

"Water shield!" Being unable to move well, Gary was left with the only option of materializing water which took the form of a shield.

Although it looked like a shield, it did not compensate for the fact that it was still a liquid. To solve the problem, the water shield was constantly spinning, so instead of blocking, the strong spinning current would crush objects. And as expected, the icicle failed in it's quest to drive a whole through his chest.

"Weak!" The masked yeti shouted as it flung it's foot at the unaware boy. The force behind the kick was enough to send the young lad flying.

Thud! Landing on a heap of snow, Gary began to cough out blood. If not for the snow then he could have taken extra damage from the fall.

"Psh! You are not even a quarter of the princess' strength, so why do you defy her?"The Yemen asked, brimming with curiosity.

"Haha" Gary laughed aloud."Why would anyone serve a queen of winter monkeys? You and your slut of a princess may as well go to hell."

During his speech, he slowly stood up grabbing his sword while the Yemen watched uninterested.

"Do you think so low of me that you will allow me to take my trusted weapon?" Gary asked, feeling like he was being underestimated.

"Would it matter if an ant picked up a piece of bread in an attempt to kill you?"

Hearing the insulting comment, Gary was about to explode in rage. However, he took a deep breath as he wiped off a bit of blood from his mouth. Slowly, a smile crept up his face, making the beast wonder if the prey had gone mad.

"You animals underestimate us! You were once an Ampler, so I thought you would be half as smart compared to a dog."

"Wha-"The sentence was buried under the noise of a projectile burrowing through his body.

Looking down, blood was now spilling from it's chest area with a few bones protruding. It gave out a loud screech before looking at the attackers, but what it saw completely passed it's expectations.

'I thought I killed the capable magic users?' The Yemen panicked as it saw villagers materializing a large bullet like projectile by combining their water magic.

"Listen, we are not dumb! All capable magic users were put behind in our formation."Gary shouted revealing his formation before saying."Fire!"

Gathering their mana together, the villagers fired off a huge projectile which threatened to consume the Yemen. But despite the good plan, the Yemen was not an idiot to watch himself get hit. Who did they think it was.. quick silver?

' I can stop it'. It inwardly encouraged itself while forming an ice wall.

Crack! Unfortunately, the projectile was not able to break through the wall, leaving only a huge crack mark on it.

"Did you forget about me?" Gary yelled as he wrapped his sword in water, elongating the tip. The yeti did not even have the luxury of looking back before it's head was sliced off.

"Hmph! Next time, do not underestimate the Amplers trash!" Gary whispered as he carried the decapitated head.

Seeing the yeti block the attack put a pinch of fear in their hearts but seeing Gary hold the enemy's head, they all jumped in joy. The sacrifices of the dead were not for nothing.

"Hey! Why are you all jubilating? Killed one now you think you can kill them all."Another Yemen intruded, with a gang of yetis.

All in group A looked at the beasts in horror. They could barely handle a Yemen yet now there was another with a parade of yetis. All their excitment withered away, being replaced with only fear and despair. At this point, defeating Norm looked rather impossible, however, they could not surrender because even if they did they still would be killed.

"I am Diablo!" The Yemen introduced" And today will be your executioner."

Diablo performed a ninety degrees bow before marching to the group of scared villagers. Even Gary was scared, but still held his sword, he was going to fight to the death if need be. With his goal in mind, he clenched his sword, running to Diablo who wore an amused expression behind his mask. The villagers seeing Gary move in, also gained a bit of courage, if they were going to die, why not die fighting?

"Charge!"A villager shouted as he ran to Gary's aid.

Pop! No one expected such a result, Diablo's head was forcibly torn off by a wind projectile leaving everyone mesmerized. His lifeless body sprayed blood on the ground as it dropped to the floor.

"Phew, I made it in time!"Lilith panted as she stretched her legs, preparing to start a massacre of her own.