Lilith vs Norm rematch

The castle was entirely made from ice, she could probably attempt breaking it but she would rather take a stealthy approach. Instead, she pushed the long doors open.

Krrrrr! Contrary to her plan, the door was being scraped against the icy ground creating an unpleasant sound.

"Um.... that could have been worse," she said as she walked along a rather long hall. The only entrance she could take from the hall to the inner castle was another door on the other side of the long narrow path.

'According to the doctor, if the yetification were to start it would be in a big room. Too bad it is my first time here,'.

Krr! Producing a similar sound, the door in which Lilith was heading to had been slightly opened by an unknown individual. Lilith stood in an offensive stance as she waited, expecting Norm to bring the battle to her.

"Brother, a little girl is here," a Yemen whispered as he peaked through the door.

Now opening the door widely, two Yemens appeared, walking ever so slowly to Lilith. They walked in sync, every step was successfully replicated by the other, indirectly indicating a type of bond.

'Guards? Or are there more of them inside?' Lilith inwardly questioned, quite eager to determine whether there were yeti reinforcements inside the castle. If there was, it would be big trouble for both the villagers and her but she doubted the Yemens would be willing to tell.

"I am Krull and we are the guardians of the castle. In such occasions where the castle is empty like this, we protect it," the Yemen announced.

"I am Skull and we shall kill any invaders," the other one kindly introduced.

"And together, we form an unstoppable team called Skrill!" they both said, expressing a sense of unity while holding hands.

"…" Lilith was at a loss for words, not only did she get the information she yearned for but was fortunate enough to witness such a disgraceful sight.

'How I wish Kevin was here. It must be painful existing being that stupid,' Lilith inwardly thought while madly grinning.

"Brother, Bother look! The girl was fascinated by our introduction!" Krull said while looking at Lilith's grin.

"How can she not be?"

Lilith nodded her head in disappointment, even she had virtues which taught her being this dumb was a crime.

Wanting to end the sharade, Lilith quickly materialized a pair of wind blades, not to kill but to set suffering souls free. Striking a stance, she ran in preparing to strike her for down.

"Let us show you our power!" Separating hands, Krull leapt onto Skull's arms who in turn launched him at Lilith.

Spectating the attack, Lilith backstepped in an attempt to dodge. Bam! Upon landing, Krull smashed the ground revealing huge crack marks on the icy floor.

"We are not done yet!" With that said, Skull jumped onto Krull's shoulder giving him a higher platform where he could leap in Lilith's direction, throwing out a punch. The pair despite now being beasts, displayed remarkable acrobatic skills.

Since they were fighting in a hall, it was rather long but also narrow. It allowed easy back and forward movement but moving sideways was not an option, due to the hall being narrow.

Unfortunately, Krull came flying in faster than Lilith could move back resulting in her receiving a direct hit. Although she attempted to block, the mere force of the punch sent her back while accruing a bit of blood.

"Brother! Brother! She could not handle the power of our teamwork," Skull said raising his hand for a high five.

[Deviant element: Spiral winds]

Suddenly, a strong flow of wind gathered behind the Yemen brothers. They looked at Lilith, fairly surprised she was alive while she rose a single finger into the air.

"How did Gary do it again? Oh, was it like this?" Lilith mummered as she closed one eyelid as though aiming a gun."Wind bullet!".

Splash! Krull's eyes were tinted with a red color as he watched his organs splash out of his abdomen area. He could barely utter a single word as he collapsed to the ground.A smirk appeared on Lilith's face as she wiped off blood from her mouth area.

Enraged by the scene, Skull charged towards Lilith who materialized a wind bow.

"Your welcome, I have now set you both free," winds swirled around her now as she shot through Skull's chest .The force behind the arrow pulled Skull towards the door, completely shattering it revealing the next room in the process.

'Rest in peace Krull and Skull. May you born with better names in your next lives,' Lilith prayed while walking towards the door. She deactivated her deviant element, wanting to save her mana for more intense situations.

To her suprise, the castle was mostly for show. The size of the throne room was roughly taking most of the interior space, leaving only a few rooms. Her smile suddenly descended into a frown as she saw Norm, who sat comfortably on her throne.

'Huh? W-Where is Angela?' Lilith thought as her eyes roamed the area in search of Angela.

"I am guessing Krull and Skull are dead," Norm said with a hint of anger in her voice. "Which race are you? Judging by the bloodstains on your cheek, you were injured yet you stand perfectly fine."

"Why would I tell you that? I thought you would at least care for you people but you remain here like a pimp!" Lilith accused.

"Where is Lilith?"

Hearing her words made Norm flinch, for a split second you could see veins threatening to implode on Norm's head. Taking a deep breath, she pointed towards the ceiling.

Following the direction her finger was pointing to, Lilith's eyes fell on Angela who hung on the ceiling entrapped in some sort of ice shard.

"You killed many of my people, so I might as well turn your friend into one of us. And if you wanna save her .... beat me!" Norm said with an arrogant smirk.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Is it not obvious? So I watch the despair engraved on your face before I kill you," Norm laughed.

"All bark and no bite," Lilith commented as she prepared for a brawl.