The injured man

In an underground hideout below Doku village, three boys ran as fast as they could. They had been injured, thanks to their encounter with Kevin. Opening the last door in the hall, they could see a meeting taking place. A tall shirtless slender man with tattoos crawling all over his body was seen on the largest chair while three others sat on smaller ones implying he was the leader.

"Boss, while performing ou-"

Crack! Before he finished his sentence, one of the men sitting on the shorter chairs had punched him hard enough to crack a rib. Chris' eyes opened as he struggled to breathe while coughing out a bit of blood. He wanted to scream in pain but he knew if he did, he would have been beaten senseless.

"We are your superiors." The man said looking down on Chris, who fell to his knees, "next time knock and show respect by greeting.".

"What do you want?" The tattooed man spoke.

Seeing that Chris was still in pain, Adam spoke on his behalf.

"We were robbed!" Adam said.

" By whom?" A man sitting on one of the smaller chairs asked in rage.

" Are these villagers morons? We are already having difficulty paying the mafia, and now we have to deal with this!" Another yelled.

The tattooed man raised his hand, shushing everyone else. He then asked, "who?".

" I do not know his name but he was a teen, had black hair and a tattoo on his arm. He was helping out Dave, the son of the Association officers. Sir Anami, Maybe they are staying at his mansion." Adam said, trying his best to reveal all information.

"The deceased association officers? Were they not rich? It seems we found a way to pay the mafia!" Anami said with a creepy grin. His smile extended almost to his eyes, scaring Chris a little bit.

"Might as well make an example out of them, while we are at it!" Anami shouted as he got up.


Nagging! Nagging was all Kevin could hear from Lilith. Even after introducing Dave and explaining what happened. Yet, she continued to ramble, probably disappointed in her failure to win the bet.

"Were you even trying to look for Larry?" Lilith asked in an annoyed tone.

"Now that I think about it, who leaves an amnesia victim to find out clues. Like really, I cannot even remember my favorite food, and yet you expect things from me.".

" You are right!" Lilith agreed, "I should have asked Kirby, right? Because he is the only one besides you.".

The longer the conversation went, the more Kevin felt like he had a tumor in his head. Therefore, he decided to end it by asking if they would be leaving the village, now that they have crystals.

"You claimed to have robbed some bullies, right? Let's get a place to stay for the night, I cannot move another muscle, to be honest." Lilith suggested.

Kevin was on board with her suggestion, they had been walking the entire day and could probably use a long rest. However, he was hesitant to spend his 'hard-earned' money.

" If you have nowhere to stay, you can stay over for the night in my house," Dave suggested with a shy expression.

" You do not have to bring us in. We could probably rent a room." Lilith tried to decline because she was cautious, but Dave insisted. Eventually, she gave in, it was only for a night anyway. But before that, she would have liked to ask Kevin for his opinion.

However, before she could ask, Kevin ran into a nearby alleyway followed by Dave.

' I hope he doesn't live in that alleyway!' Lilith inwardly begged as she followed.

"It is an injured person!" Kevin said.

" Injured?" Lilith asked running closer.

Indeed an injured man was lying in the alleyway, he had bandages covering his face and torso. The medical treatment on him looked shabby, most likely done by the man himself In a hurry. Blood was leaking from the wounds and the wounds itself was getting infected.

"Should we get him to a doctor?" Kevin asked.

"By now all clinics should be closed for the day since it's late." Dave explained." I may not be a doctor but I can give him proper first aid at my house. His injuries do not look that serious ".

"Where did you learn first aid from?" Kevin asked.

" School obvious!".

With that being said, Kevin carried the man while they marched off to Dave's house. However, Lilith felt as though she was the only one seeing the problem with this. Bringing strangers to your house just spells out danger, especially a stranger that was injured to the point of collapsing. As such, she expressed her views.

"The isn't okay! Forget bringing us, but why would you let a stranger that could have been bad in your home?" Lilith asked, worried about how naive he was.

Kevin did not like the idea of leaving a helpless person, the injured man reminded him of how he got help during his moment of need. If possible he would like to help this person, despite him even being a possible criminal. He wanted to share the generosity that was given to him.

"Why would we not help? He is-" Kevin's passionate speech was unfortunately cut short by Lilith's next words.

" Shut up, Kevin!".

Hearing this, Dave giggled a bit.

" My parents were great people, who helped others regardless of who they were. Even though they may not be here now, I know they would want me to reciprocate the same behavior." Dave said with a firm resolve. So much so that Lilith backed down.

They all rushed back to Dave's house, which was a mansion with a large gate preventing intruders. It made Lilith ask how exactly did they contribute to society and get this rich, surely not anything naughty, right? Not only that but had about five high-end vehicles. It was safe to say, Lilith was more than happy that Dave invited them now. It was no small apartment, she thought it would be. Unfortunately, she did not have much time to explore, since the man they brought was quickly losing blood.

On Dave's order, Kevin dropped him on a table. Dave pulled out a yellow first aid kit,

from a nearby cabinet and got to work.

" Kevin please take off the bandages on his chest, but leave the ones on his face!" Dave ordered.

Kevin did as he was told, but asked Dave why they left the bandage on his head.

"He has no blood stains on his head. Maybe he covered it up.. due to infections or something. Therefore, let's only concentrate on the torso. Remember, this is only first aid!" Dave explained.

While Kevin took off the bandages, Lilith applied alcohol to the wounds leaving Dave to reapply the new bandages. Luckily, he mostly only had cuts and nothing severe. He most likely collapsed, from blood loss.

After everything was done, they left the man to rest on one of the many couches in the living room. Dave gave both Kevin and Lilith separate rooms to sleep in. And although Lilith was hungry, she fell asleep as soon as her butt touched the bed leaving Kevin to eat alone before he headed to bed as well.

Eventually, the house was quiet with everyone asleep. Completely oblivious, as to what was coming.