Black lightning

While Kevin was in battle with Anami, Max got entangled in a fight of his own with some gang members. All though he was severely weakened, he was still a foe to be taken down. Additionally, the fewer allies on Kevin's side the higher the chances of them winning.

"I will end it fast, old man!" A goon said throwing a kick to Max's abdomen. Luckily he stepped back, avoiding the kick.

They did not make it easy on Max, as multiple members came to join the brawl. He tried his best to block but some attacks managed to get through, resulting in him taking damage.

However, after finally seeing a potential opening, he swang out his leg but it lacked the needed power.

" Your slow, old man!" the gang member exclaimed as he caught his leg.

Trying to free himself, Max unleashed a rattling of punches but they proved to be ineffective against the opponent's durability.

He had already gone past his limit, now only he could do was pant while barely hanging onto his consciousness with the remaining energy he had. Being in this state, gave the enemy the chance to ram him through the nearest wall.


"Hell yeah! Always wanted to try that!" the goon that rammed Max yelled, as he gave a high five to his fellow ally.

Meanwhile, Max was coughing in a pile of concrete brought by the wall while mixing in a couple of laughs.

"What's funny?" they questioned.

Max didn't respond but continued to laugh as the coughing stopped.

" I said what is funny?" A goon yelled while preparing to kick Max's abdomen.

Contrary to his expectations, the weak man caught his kick. However, not with his hand but rather with his bare teeth. He then sank his teeth into the man's leg, tearing it apart.

The victim of the bite fell to the ground, screeching in pain while blood streamed down his foot.

"You made it easier for me by sending me to a secluded place!" Max laughed as his whole body began to expand. His arms got wider and more muscular as did the rest of his body.

"A werewo-" before the next goon finished his sentence, Max's hand grabbed his face. Squeezing it until his skull made cracking sounds.

Within a few seconds, the completely normal Max had turned into a blood-hungry creature. A werewolf!

"Larry Tein! The man with the high bounty!" they quickly recognized. As gang members, they kept in memory easy ways of making money such as bounties.

Max consumed the leg while the others just gazed at him. One of the high-class races stood before them and they were terrified. However, they quickly snapped out of it and jumped back.

In unison, they used their magic. Hurdling long-range attacks because in close combat with a werewolf they would lose unless their strength was above average.

Getting on four limbs, he ran past the projectiles and pounced upon one goon, tearing up his limbs with his mouth. The others tried their best to attack using magic, but their efforts were in vain. Max's speed and strength ensured his victory.

Max stayed a while trying to regain his strength by eating them, then he would rejoin Kevin. However, he was still going to keep his identity hidden. After eating his opponents, most of his wounds closed up but due to the transformation, the bandages covering his face fell off. At the sight of this, he let out a stressed sigh.

Now filled to the brim with energy, he performed a few kicks and jumps. Afterward, bent down to pick up the bandages. They were now torn and probably unusable. He then tore one of the corpse's clothes to wrap around his face.

'My energy is back although my mana is still deleted. Luckily for us, just this will suffice to end this.' Max thought while walking back.

"So, how long are you going to hide? Larry!" an unknown voice said from behind.

"Raymond and Marcus!"


"You have been hiding it? Or did you just unlock this power?" Anami questioned.

'What is this?' Kevin thought as he looked at his repaired limbs and finally the black lightning that now surrounded him. He waved his hand around to test whether he would feel any pain.

The black lightning that surrounded him, gave off a very dangerous vibe. Not only that, but it produced a huge amount of heat that even Lilith could feel from her distance. It made him wonder whether it was a deviant element or just another power of his mysterious tattoo.

'I am not going to explode or anything…right?' Kevin thought while hopping from left to from the heat he was generating, he wouldn't be surprised if it was a power that would blow up. Anami just stared at him, expecting him to pull something odd.

'Let's see what this can do!' Kevin inwardly said, preparing to dash in.

'He is coming!' Anami alerted himself.

He kicked off the ground, heading straight for Anami. It came as a shock to both of them, that Kevin was about twice as fast as before. The sudden burst of speed, nearly caused Kevin to stumble to the ground.

' He's faster!' Anami noticed.

Kevin moved to the right, but Anami was a step ahead already throwing attacks in that direction. Anami could predict his movements and therefore he needed to be one step ahead. Kevin quickly retracted his body and moved to the left within a second. Landing his first punch, on Anami's face.

"I did it!" He exclaimed.

Feeling the pain Kevin inflicted, he spat out a mouthful of blood. Surprisingly, the attack was very strong and left a stinging feeling due to the lightning.

"NOW THIS IS FUN! So do not get cocky now," Anami yelled, sending out multiple fire creatures which surrounded Kevin.

One by one they attacked, but Kevin was faster, dodging all of them. Even while doing that, he used electromagnetism to keep two metal plates by his side for the sole purpose of blocking. He then once again, ran to Anami.

Thrusting his fist forward, Anami's arm coated in fire magic penetrated through the first metal plate but stopped at the second. Seeing this, Kevin gave out a provoking smirk and threw out a powerful kick that struck Anami's head.

"Argh!" blood splattered from his mouth onto the floor.

"Anami!" his men shouted, coming to his aid.

[deviant element: spiral winds]

A wind attack struck the ground in front of them, halting their movement. As long as Lilith was there, no one was helping their boss.

Kevin and Anami are locked into physical combat. With Kevin's new power up, he was taking the lead in the fight, landing successful blows and dodging Anami's. His speed was a tad bit too much for him to handle. The fight, however, needed to end soon because they were both burning out fast. Kevin could replenish his mana with his tattoo but not his energy. At least that's what he currently knew about his tattoo. The gang leader then began to summon creatures to aid in the fight but Kevin was quick to use a metallic plate to block.

"I will not lose!" Anami shouted as he used everything he had to land an attack. Eventually, he landed a strong punch on Kevin's jaw.

However, Kevin smirked once more as he pulled his head back from the blow and drilled his fist into Anami's abdomen.

"This is payback," a kick was delivered to Anami's temple as he was bent over from the previous attack. It was strong enough to send him skidding on the floor.

Laying on his back, the tattooed man looked at the sky. He was panting and had a difficult time breathing.

"I win!" Kevin yelled toward his opponent while trying to catch his breath.

"This fight is ov-" Kevin was about to announce the end of the fight but the sounds of sobbing stopped him.

'Who is crying?' he questioned, looking left and right to identify the person.

It was then he looked down at Anami, to see him in a puddle of tears. Kevin was quite surprised but the gang men were more astonished. They had never seen this side of their boss, reduced to such a sad state.

"I pro.... mised I would never lose again! And I will bec..ome stro...nger and kill you, Scarlet!" Anami wailed while picturing a woman with red hair in his mind.

The tattoos on his body began to bulge, Kevin wasn't sure what was going on but he was aware that what was coming was big. After all, every tattoo on Anami's body began to expand.

"How many tattoos does this baby have?" Lilith questioned, looking at over twenty newly created fire creatures.

As if they moved based on Anami's mental state, the creatures began running wild. Attacking everyone and anyone near.

"AARGH!" Anami screamed continuously. He was in a state of shock.

"I honestly cannot tell whether this is good or bad," Lilith said running to Kevin's side. She materialized her wind bow to defend herself. Given that everyone was being attacked, she figured it was best to focus on the creatures since Anami's men were also being attacked.

They tried their best to fend them off, but since most of their men were taken by Lilith they were overwhelmed.

As Kevin blocked the attack of yet another creature, the teenage girl came up with a plan.

"We need to knock him out! I can aid in clearing the path to him" Lilith said pointing to Kevin.

"Oh, that's a great plan! With all those creatures popping up from his body, I'm sure you are the one volunteering to go?" Kevin said sarcastically.

Not responding, Lilith winked at him.

"No, no I still not!"

"Aw, why not! If you are not doing it, I'm not. We might as well die today!" Lilith pouted while shooting another fire creature.

"Oh my gosh!" Kevin sighed. Picking up Asura from the ground, he then agreed to do it. Lilith shot a smile of victory at him.

"Here we go!"

[Deviant element: Spiral winds]

[Black Lightning magic: Twin dragons]

Using their strongest techniques together, they shot it at the fire creatures to create a path. Even if it could not take them all down, it was still enough.

The attacks combined created a loud explosion sound while debris flew everywhere.

"Jump on my leg, now!" Lilith ordered. She focused her deviant element on her legs.

Then with all the strength she had, she kicked Kevin's sole toward Anami. Kevin was going a tad bit too fast, causing some dust from the earlier attack to go into his eyes. However, his target was in a state of shock and unmoving, he did not need his sight.

"I will end this!"

[Asura: death scythe mode]

His katana-styled weapon morphed into a long death scythe, the Asura's third form. However that wasn't the end of his preparation, he wrapped the Asura in black lightning wanting to maximize the damage.

And as he drew nearer, he swang his weapon. Even though he could not see it, he could feel the flesh being cut. It wasn't a perfect cut, but it was enough to make him unconscious.