Festival of liberty

Glee echoed through the village. The area was illuminated beautifully by magic crystals, the village shone in the night like the stars in the sky. For a village of common people, they knew how to put on a show, almost every villager wore dazzling garments.

Unfortunately, unlike Lilith, his partner also wore a beautiful silk gown embroidered with golden lace. Kevin only had plain clothes given to him. Between the clothes he used for combat and some spare the nurse handed to him, it was clear he was the bum of the festival.

However, his contributions during the fight were too vast to ignore. As a result, Lily, the soon-to-be chief of the village had taken Kevin to the local tailor. He was to pick up a suit and leave the tailor to make the appropriate adjustments.

"Do the clothes fit?" Lily impatiently asked while waiting for Kevin who was behind the curtain.

"Do you want to peek?" Kevin teased.

Lily's innocence took full effect. Turning her clear skin into a thick red color.

"The pants are a little tight around my trooper."

"Trooper?" Lily questioned. After a few seconds of deep thought, she understood what he meant. Her face now shone like a fluorescent bulb.

"W-What d..o you expect m-me to do? " She asked as indecent thoughts ran around her mind.

"Get the tailor..?"

"Oh...haha, of course!" Lily said nervously.

After the appropriate adjustments, they both left heading towards the center of the village where she would make a dialogue on stage.

"I have to go now!" Lily said waving," After this let's meet up. I have to tell you something!"

He waved back at her with a subtle smile. Going through all these events, Kevin was slowly adjusting. After successfully saving Lily, their relationship got much better. Similar to that of close friends. They mainly got closer due to the number of times Lily thanked the duo.

On stage, she was officially given the title of the village chief. Since the festival included all five villages, the area was overcrowded with people trying to push to the center.

"A-ATTENTION!" Lily uttered with a bit of timidness. To be a leader she needed to be confident. She knew that, therefore she took a deep breath and continued.

"We celebrate a festival, a festival of liberty. Before I was born, twenty years ago! Many were sent to Norm to become beasts. Norm! Took our people but today, with the help of all of you especially our village guests have obtained FREEDOM!" The last words were spoken with vigor which was rewarded with cheers from the villagers.

"Finally! Peace!"

"I hope she rots in Tatasume!"

Remarks seeped from the crowd creating a noisy atmosphere. They expressed every single emotion they held back for the last twenty years.

Other procedures went on smoothly, an elegant speech was made by Lilith comprising of her vision for the village and so on. She spoke diligently about how she planned to change this village by expanding it. She would bring about the development of roads for driving like in other dimensions and other technological advancements.

Lilith and Kevin were also called on stage, they were recognized by the village as heroes who played a significant role in defeating the yeti queen. After which, the festival commenced with tons of beverages and meals on display for everyone to partake in.

"This is so good!" Kevin said happily as he continued to chew. He reached out for a piece of meat on the table but it was quickly snatched by Lilith.

"Indeed it is," Lilith said licking the meat all over, claiming her property.

"Why would you do that? That was mine!" Kevin yelled. Lightning streaks threatened to erupt from him as he stood in anger.

"You wanna go, Mr. virgin?" Lilith said with winds violently blowing around her.

"Kevin!" A voice called out.

They both looked in the direction the voice was coming. Only to see the newly appointed chief, Lily running to them as she slightly lifted her dress off the ground.

"I am sorry, but I want to borrow Kevin! Um, so continue doing your thing." Lily said, dragging Kevin along with her.

"Why do I feel offended?" Lilith questioned as she watched the two disappear in the distance. However, that did not stop her from devouring everything on the table.

"Where are you taking me?" Kevin cried out to Lily. Wanting to know where he was being kidnapped to. If he took too long, the food would be at the mercy of Lilith.

"My favorite spot!" She replied hurriedly taking him to one of the tallest buildings in the village.

Climbing to the top, one could see the whole village at night in all its glamour. From the top, a dazzling city filled with life could be seen filled with glee and joyous screams.

"You know that... it is because of you and Lilith everyone can smile. Some still have trauma from what happened, but they can still feel happy today knowing she is gone. I'm the chief now and I believe I could not do anything even if she came back...."

"That is not tru-" Kevin's words were stopped by Lily who placed her fingers on his lips. Kevin could only stare at her moist lips as she spoke her next words.

"I want to truly say thank you, Kevin!" Lily spoke ever so gently.

Leaning forward while standing on her toes, her lips drew nearer to Kevin's where she gave a light kiss but long. Almost as if fate had predicted the event, fireworks were shot to the sky providing a beautiful display of colors that made the kiss more romantic.

Soon afterward, Lily withdrew her lips while her face reddened from embarrassment. Not waiting for Kevin to respond, she immediately took off.

'That is weird, our lips touched?' Kevin thoughts to himself. He was still far too innocent to comprehend the reasoning behind a kiss despite Lilith's attempts to tell him naughty information.

'I- I want my memories back!' he stretched his arm to the sky, vowing to obtain them.

After obtaining them he was not sure what he wanted to do then. Probably look if he had any family or friends. If not, he could just stay among the people he had become familiar with right now, his friends!


The festival lasted until dawn, eventually, other village leaders followed by their people traveled back to their village leaving Haku residents to a peaceful slumber. However, it was at this time the duo began packing their luggage.

"Ready to go?" Lilith asked.

"Yeah, I did not have much anyways," Kevin responded. When he was first brought here, he had nothing but ragged clothes. Now with a backpack given to him by Lily, he could not store a few clothes that had been gifted to him. His asura lay in its sheath on his waist.

"Now that I think about it, the bounty hunt was a bust. So where are we gonna get money?" Kevin asked.

With a wide grin, Lilith reached into her bag and pulled out the same gem Kirby had stolen. Seeing this, Kevin had a mix of emotions ranging from dissatisfaction to acceptance.

"You had it the whole time?"

" yep!"

"What was the point of the bounty hunt then?" He asked ever so calmly.

"Fun, I guess? Plus we both learned a valuable lesson on the way," she responded nodding her head in satisfaction with her answer.

"ARE YOU CRAZY! We learned no more values. You are just as dumb as when we left."Kevin argued.

"Shut up! I do not want to hear that from you. Moral values do not add to your IQ!" Lilith replied, intentionally adding a word that Kevin does not know of.

Lightning crawled up Kevin's torso as he felt a mix of emotions.

"What's wrong with you crazy woman!"

"Oh? You wanna go virgin?" Lilith did the same, activating your magic.

Watching this, Lily and the others could not help but laugh.

"I'm gonna miss this!" Dave said. After the demolition of his mansion, he stayed in the village.

"Group hug!" Lilith yelled. Hugging the nurse, Lily, Kevin, and Dave together. "Let's meet up again. DEFINITELY!"

"Yeah and I'll be stronger than ever! Then I will get revenge on Klein who put us through such harsh training." Lily promised herself. The thought of getting revenge on Klein for the hellish training was something that put a smile on her face.

"I'll become the king of the pirates!" Kevin as well promised before receiving a brutal punch in the head by Lilith.

"That's the wrong ambition you fool!" she exclaimed.

"What is wrong with you? That hurts like a lot!" Kevin said rubbing the top of his head.

After saying their goodbyes, Lilith opened up a portal using a dimensional traveler. Everyone watched as they slowly faded away into it, wishing them the best.