Making friends

A smirk crawled up Kevin's face while watching his projectile explode in the sky. Followed by a white light signifying the elimination of the man he never knew the name of.

The wind violently lashed against his face pulling him back to reality. His satisfied smirk turned into an expression of horror realizing he was going to fall back to the ground. 

'Worst case scenario is that I get eliminated but at the least, I'm breaking many bones.' He panicked trying to think of a solution.

At a rapid speed, he was falling to his doom.

'Looks like you are going to have to win this battle royale yourself, Lilith.' After realizing there was nothing he could do, he stayed calm and accepted his fate.

Bracing for impact, he gritted his teeth and awaited the inevitable. He knew he was going to die due to the executive's deviant element but it would still hurt.