
"That is not my name!" Tyler yelled but quickly covered his mouth. The last thing he wanted to do was to reveal his position and get ambushed.

"Tyrone?" Lilith tried to recall his name. In all honesty, she was flabbergasted that he was not eliminated. At first glance, he did not seem like a guy that uses his brain instead of his brawn.

Her mind then wondered how his unfit body climbed up the tree. Fear truly does wonders for a person.

"That is racist! My name is Tyler." The information broker said, this time making sure to keep his voice down.

"Ok, fine Tyler. You made it far but now it's time to go." Lilith grinned materializing a wind blade.

"Hey, wait! I can be of use to you. I can lead you to somewhere you will be safe until tomorrow." Tyler implored.

Releasing a sigh, Lilith dematerialized her weapon. She was not willing to get involved in the massacre happening in front of them. Getting led to a safe place sounded like an ideal option.