Partying our hearts out

"Cheers!" Everyone put their cups together at their newfound friendships.

When Narumi appeared, they decided to wait a few more seconds in case any other guests would show up before getting loud. Sadly, no one else arrived except for Shelly who was late.

Although she did not participate in the battle royale, Kevin still decided to invite her. 

Tera had cooked a variety of meals ranging from sea foods to vegetarian meals. With different races meant different food options being preferred. Beverages were drunk and food was eaten. 

"Let's turn the music up!" Kreese announced. From his electronic device, he selected a few well-known songs.

"Oh, I know this song! It's from Lia." Yasura called out the musician to which Kreese nodded with a smile.

"Calm down, Yasura." Amy, the other girl Coby had brought said.

"No need to hold back! Let's get louder!" The dark-skinned boy yelled as he increased the volume.