
Shisen Chapter 1

| Chapter 1 : prologue |

time : 5:00 pm

It was a windy evening, and darker than usual. the oto family were resting at home after a long day of work.

the littlest kid asahi, aged 7 at the time, was enjoying his lone time at home before his mom asked him to go buy a bunch of groceries.

"come on mom, let me sit for sometime" begged asahi. but his mother couldn't care less.

"asahi, you're a man... a strong man, there will be a day when you'll have to harbor the family's responsibilities, your big brother is useless, your big sister is working hard for her studies, and me and your dad both work."

"but moooom... grrrr, fine"

A mad asahi grabs the money and keys and dashes out the door to go buy groceries.

time : 7:30 pm

asahi finally finishes his shopping and heads back home. only, to be greeted by the police.

asahi notices the cut off hand before the door, he drops the groceries and runs upto the door, the ring on the cut off hand was his mother's. with widened eyes, asahi slowly walks inside his home... to see chopped off body parts everywhere. asahi vomits, and vomits and vomits while crying. he couldn't hold back his inner voice. he screams in agony.

"please come back, sir" says the investigation department, asahi couldn't control himself, he screams even louder. someone walks upto him and blocks his mouth with a couple of tissues.

"hey kid, I'm sorry for what happened. but you need to calm down." said the unknown person. asahi continues screaming. the investigation department looks at the unknown person. the unknown person continues "kid, how bout you join me for now?" the person grabbed asahi and took him away.

the person had walked all the way to an unique location, he seats asahi next to him and he sits down himself.

"what's your name?"

asahi cries

the person gives out a big sigh, "My name is mayoru, you can call me mayo"

asahi stops crying, "m- mayo?" asahi partially giggles. "hey don't laugh at my name... asahi"

"you know me?"

"of course, I live right opposite to you"

"m- mayo" asahi laughs this time. mayoru was relieved. and kind of upset because the one thing that made asahi laugh was his nickname.

