
Shisen Chapter 8

"yeah, no I was joking" said asahi

"what?" says shoko

"go die man, you think I'll let you all sleep at my home?"

"yes" replied shoko

"you're right said asahi"

the 4 party late at home.

the clock hits 2:35 am.

shoko and aimi are talking to each other on the balcony while asahi and hinata are watching the TV.

"this. this show. this show is so good. you have to watch it" says hinata

"uh...I don't know about that" replied asahi

"you're such a bore...oh my lord"

ding dong

the bell rings at 2:36 am in the morning. the bell startled everyone in the room.

"it's half past two. who could it be?" questioned aimi

"I haven't ordered anything and we are not loud." asahi said to the others

asahi slowly gets up from his couch. hinata stands up in haste. shoko joins asahi in opening the door. aimi stands beside hinata...scared.

while asahi was slowly walking upto the door. he slowly gets reminded of who he was.

his family was murdered.

his teacher was murdered.

who was next?

"yeah uh...shoko I think it's better if you stay back." said asahi

"bro what?" asked shoko

"just stay back" said asahi

"okay...I guess"

asahi checks the glass hole on the door to see who's on the other side.

a black suited man.

asahi's eyes opened wide. he was scared. he knew exactly who it was. the figure. the stand. the hat. the suit. the shoes. and most importantly. the gold stick he was holding.

asahi gulped. hinata and the rest notices that

"is something wrong?" asked hinata

asahi slowly backs up from the door and approaches the other three.

"go grab some utensils from the kitchen. I prefer you to bring sharp ones but just find anything deadly...quick." demanded asahi

without questioning the other three run to the kitchen and-

ding dong

-they come back with utensils. knives, forks etc. asahi gives each of them the utensils

"hold onto thi-"


this was louder and fiercer...but slowly...the bells get faster and faster. repeated and repeated.


and it suddenly went quiet. nothing but the breath of the 4 kids were heard. footsteps from outside the door slowly descend.


the door was on the ground. the suited man was on top of the door. he was inside. the kids stared at them. asahi knew he was in trouble.
