Black Suit & Old Man

If not for this being the Great Hall of the Shou, surrounded by warships and countless corvettes, then they may have gone out of control. 

"No one here is a fool, I would hope," Yui Luo who had stayed silent slowly moved, an image appearing from the center of the hall dragging their attention, "As it stands, the so-called Noble Clans of the Flying Isles seek to force us back to the surface and suppress us as they have you for hundreds of years. But, with your assistance, this does not need to be so. In return, we have something that you cannot refuse." 

Liu Gang appeared at the bottom of the image and began speaking as the images changed, "This is the formation of the Sword Dragon, with the power of the Blood Stones and the added strength of the Heavenly Martial, it can purify the land."