Scarlet – Another Shock

The walk to our next stop was not as harsh as we expected. Though the valley never had many trees to shelter us from the rays of the invisible sun, the sequence of breeze cocooned us. They saved us from the humidity. We kept hydrated for the trek. The long winding path showed us what was before us. It was intimidating at times. However, once we kept our minds busy with chats, things did not seem that bad.

"Are you ready for your bedtime story?" I questioned, tucking Alzar in the sheet.

He snuggled in with a curt nod.

I pulled out the folding chair next to the bed. "Ah, let me see which story I want to share."

"You promised the one with the dragon," Alzar reminded me.

Ah, that was it. A dragon story. Not that I had any in mind. Alzar liked being told stories before bed. Which child didn't? I had to keep up by making stories every night.