"There have been many examples of mothers. If the child was married in the pregnant condition, the average household led to a divorce. How not? The marriage course sidah is not valid, meaning that they continue to commit adultery. What can sakinah do? I believe one day, a man of good manners and morals will come to be the soul mate of my daughter. That said, if shame, why should I be ashamed? My child is the victim here. I could have reported it to the police. But, I don't want to affect the psychology of the child. I am troubled. Anyway, I'm eating the same people, right? Why should I care about what people say? I can only use two hands.Not enough to make me shut up about the ngata-ngatain or gosipin my family's mockers.But, both my hands were enough to cover two of my ears so I could not hear the gossip of the people, "said Arini with a straightforward.