Mikhaila welcomes Tatiana with delight. Similarly, Cindy, he immediately hugged Tatiana with joy. "Mother cooks all the food preferences for you." "Do you want your mother to make something for you?"

Tatiana shook her head right off his head. Don't bother, I eat whatever that mother figure eats.After all, the nausea-her nausea's lost it, "replied Tatiana. Cindy stared at Tatiana, full of compassion.

"Tia, you're okay, right?" Asked Cindy

Tatiana stared at Cindy the second their eyes met. And, the gaze of Cindy was able to penetrate into the heart of Tatiana. The girl instantly finds sincere love. His heart was filled with emotion, so he started to cry.

Mikhaila hugged her best friend, who started to cry.