Kavita's new course laid his body on the couch. He felt tired, today he is responsible for the two operations. Kadita feels homesick at his two sons. Especially to her late husband.  Suti was massaging the feet of Kadita.

"Ma'am tired?"Ask Suti.

"I cape mind and cape hearts. It feels like what I would expect and dream of first lost already. Both my son left me. Theo is in the middle of nowhere. Galang, choose to continue their education. I want a second boy, I gathered, had a daughter-in-law, have grandchildren. I'm getting older"

"The mistress is still young. A new age of forty-eight."


Suddenly the door at the tap. Kadita the correct position of the seat. While  Suti rushed to open the door.

"Ealaaah, sir commander. O God, young master?"