Ethan stared at Tatiana who curled up under the covers crying. I don't know why Ethan's heart feels too sad and hurt when sees the tears from Tatiana.

"Tia, do you want to be separated from Hans?" asked Ethan while stroking the hair of Tatiana gently.

"You, bastard!" snapped Tatiana.

Ethan smiled heartbreakingly to hear the words of Tatiana.

    Slowly Ethan brought Tatiana into his arms. Tatiana tried to struggle, he did not want Ethan to touch him like that.

"I just want to hug you, so shut up," said Ethan.

Tatiana finally stop his resistance. He looked at both blind Ethan. That day, Tatiana noticed there was something different. Or maybe Tatiana realized gaze full of love it.

    "Since when...?" asked Tatiana softly.

"What..? love you? Since the first time, I pick you up at the campus.
