After pronouncing talaq, Hans has never been to the room of Tatiana. Tatiana felt grateful because, to be honest, every time he had to serve Hans, he felt so sick, and sometimes the feel of his body is so dirty. However, they still eat together at the dinner table as usual. The needs of Tatiana were still complete.

    Tatiana sometimes feels wonder. Hans that he knows is Hans with all their failure. Hans has a life so dark even the dirty business. But, he saw Hans also as a good human being. Hans built several orphanages and Nursing homes. Every month Hans donates funds not a little.

    Tatiana is very spare, why should undergo a business haram if there is a clean business and halal. Ah, if the thought of that Tatiana felt tired me. Perhaps, if his father had not left a letter that Tatiana will not attempt to find out. Similarly, if Ethan didn't say everything, he will never know the secret during this save by Hans.