Wilhelmina shook her head. Slowly the tears flowed in the second eye beautifully. Her heart at this time was destroyed. I don't know if he'll be able to face the reality that happened later. This wasn't what Wilhelmina want. For him, Hans is the first love and his last. A lot of dreams Wilhelmina he wants to realize with Hans. But, looking at the fact that like this, like it or not he had to bury all her dreams it's in the - in the.

    "I'm sorry Hans. I may love you so much and I believe so much that you are the perfect man. So I can't just accept the other side of you. I may be selfish Hans. But, am I wrong if I want my husband to do good?"

Hans could only be silent. He could no longer resist the steps of Wilhelmina and Bima. His son and his wife passed away from him with a broken heart.
