"We meet again..."

Renata turned her head and smiled when she saw who greeted her.

"Ah, Mr. Lim, right?"

Lim smiled, " Just Call Me, Lim."

"Then just call me Renata. You're just a shadow. I was about to call you yesterday, but it's a shame I lost your card. And, I haven't had time to put your number on my phone."

"Then, we are matched. Are you alone or have an appointment?"

"Ah, no. I was having dinner alone if you want to join me, please."

  Lim smiled then he took his place in front of Renata. "Have you ordered food?" asked Lim? Renata smiled, "when you came, I just sat down and was just about to order food."

Lim immediately waved to call pe0layan. A few moments later, a beautiful-looking waiter came with a menu book in his hand.

"I'll just order goat satay and warm sweet tea, you?"

"Yes, yes," said Renata.