Helena was mesmerized by the beauty of Lim's apartment. After eating, he didn't mind coming with Lim to his apartment.

"You live here alone?" Helena asked.

"Yeah, but a good friend of mine lives in the same apartment. Ah, what do you want to drink? I have some syrup you might like."

"Hmm, anything is fine, I'm not picky," Helena answered cheerfully.

Lim got up and got Helena some lemon syrup, then served it to the girl.

"Drink, and taste the cake. I made it myself," said Lim.

Helena smiled, then started to enjoy Lim's cake. " delicious. I love to eat cake. But I can't make it myself."

"I'll make it for you every day if you want," said Lim again.

"Then I'll be fat and you won't be attracted to me anymore," said Helena. Lim just chuckled. Slowly he shifted his seat closer to Helena. Then he started stroking Helena's hair gently.

"You're beautiful," he whispered in Helena's ear.