That morning, in a slum, in a garbage dump, a scavenger screamed in terror. His screams seemed to be an alarm in the morning. Instead of the crowing of a rooster that welcomes the morning sun.

And not long after, the garbage dump was filled with residents who immediately gathered around. They were all curious because of the screams. And, when they looked at the origin of their voice, they couldn't help but feel sick and vomit at the sight in front of them.

Some residents immediately took the initiative to call the police. Meanwhile, the head of the RT immediately asked the residents to stay away from a little, lest they touch the victim. Meanwhile, several other residents immediately helped Sutinah, the first resident to scream.

Sutinah looks pale, her body is quite fat limp like boneless. How not to limp, you will also be weak if you see the condition of the corpse in front of you.