Anna... Going To The Meeting

Anna moved down through her private elevator to the bottom level of the building. She wasn't alone now, as the annoying butler stood just a few steps behind her while a group of five strong looking guards wearing black suits accompanied her.

As she walked in the cold domineer, everyone of the company present on her way bowed their heads in respect for him while stopping what they were doing.

She wore dark glasses which covered up her eyes, however everyone she looked at felt a cold shiver down their spines.

Despite this being a corporation created and led by werewolves, the main bulk of employees here were mere humans. Any human would shiver from the look of a werewolf, especially from her.

"My lady," the driver opened the door of her private red American car while bowing like others. Anna didn't say a thing as she sat in the back seat while her butler sat in the front.

As for her guards, they were all werewolves just like the driver. All belonged to the fighting party inside the pack, very ruthless and very dangerous.

She was their alpha, but she knew where their loyalty lied. As the car raced in the streets of this bustling city, three cars carrying her bodyguards followed.

The big palace appeared in the sight, just at the heart of this city. It was surrounded with a big garden, a huge wall and many sentry towers.

In fact it looked like a small fortress to any passerby, and to Anna it was like a prison.

"Sigh, if not for this party tonight I would prefer to go out and taste some of my freedom," she said to herself while watching the car stopping at the entrance.

"My lady," her butler bowed before adding, "this time there is a rush hour in the city. You need to dress fast and get to the meeting."

"How many times did I say it's a party?" Anna stopped in front of a seemingly respectful butler, enjoying this moment of forced respect to her.

She knew he hated her. She heard him speaking ill behind her back more than once, however she couldn't touch a single hair of him.

If she wanted a big confrontation with the elders in the pack, then she would do that. Besides, she knew how strong this old wolf was, and so she doubted her ability to take him down on her own.

An alpha losing a fight against the butler wasn't any joke to anyone.

"Wait here for me then," she turned and entered the big palace where two rows of maids were lining up inside, bowing in respect to her.

They were all mere humans, people who were carefully selected by the pack. They were all orphans, with no one to miss if they were killed, or no one to befriend to tell their secrets to.

Anna didn't take much time inside before she reappeared again wearing a dark blue dress. The dress was tight at her waist, slightly wider at her legs where it shortly ended just above her knees.

She had a V shaped opening at her neck, with a totally exposed back. Her shoulders were covered with an expensive real fox fur, making her feel warm on this cold night of winter.

However, despite that, the sky of this night looked strangely clear with a big red moon appearing from one direction.

"It looks breathtaking," she stopped in front of her bowing butler while honestly admiring this first red moon in her life. She felt it had a unique meaning, and thought of letting her wild nature out this night after this party.

"It's not a rare occurrence, my lady," the butler said without raising his bowed head. His tone meant he wanted her to enter the car, however Anna was really absorbed in that big red moon.

She felt like she was connected to it somehow. "It's said that our esteemed goddess of the moon overlooks us at this moment," she said before turning to him and added, "what do you think? You lived too long to know some secrets, right?"

The butler was someone fearless, but in front of mentioning the goddess of moon he seemed a bit hesitant. And how he shouldn't be? After all he was about to speak of a being that no one should trifle with.

"From what I know, our esteemed goddess honors us with her presence each full moon. But red moons are for her decrees to be active."

"Decrees?" Anna wanted to laugh but she withheld herself. She couldn't believe the old tales, especially at such an age and time. "Yeah, I hope she will do something nice tonight," she said in a tone that ended the discussion.

And then she entered her car before the car roared on the road.

The streets of this night were very crowded, making it take her almost one hour to reach the big hotel on the other side of the city.

"My beloved sis, you look fabulous like always," Jeremy was the first to welcome her with his wide and dishonest smile.

She only nodded to him without smiling back before looking around. The entrance of the hotel seemed a bit empty this night, especially with the presence of such tight security of werewolves all around.

"Have they appeared yet?" she asked before her brother shook his head.

"They sent a message, the roads to here are all crowded and they asked for one more hour."

She felt a little anger towards them, however she calmed herself when felt such a change in her mood. It was pointless to rage upon these alphas or other packs. After all, her pack controlled them using money and not power or loyalty.

"Go inside and wait for my return," she said before turning towards her guards, "you, come with me."

"I can come as well, my lady," the butler said while offering his services.

"If you think something would happen at the ladies room then you should come," her tone made the butler only lower his head and didn't say anymore.

Anna went inside the hotel while she took a slightly different path from others. The hotel from the inside wasn't looking as desolate as it looked from the outside.

On such a cold night not too many guests chose to leave and instead they chose to stay inside and enjoy the warmth of the hotel.

"Wait here," Anna selected a ladies room with some privacy inside a narrow and empty corridor before giving the order to her guard to stay in watch.