The Love Potion

She felt it weird for Luke to call her and spill his beans like this. She knew Luke, he might seem nice and super hot but in fact he was so vicious and cruel. She never met someone as cold and savage as him, even in bed!

"I just missed you," Luke seemed to enjoy teasing her and she laughed in return.

"We agreed this is an old joke already," she said, "tell me, why do I have the pleasure of knowing the plans of the mighty Luke?"

"I wanted to know something," Luke slowly said and his tone turned slightly serious. Christy knew this was the real reason behind this weird call at such weirder time and timing, "something related to your pack," he added.

"You know how loyal the wolf I'm to my pack."

"C'mon, don't fool around here," Luke shortly laughed before adding, "I know you love jewels. What do you think of a stunning necklace made entirely out of ruby? You like red like it was your mother, right?"