Waking up in an a dark alley, a young warrior finds himself in a planet where Humans with strange powers and costumes were among the rest of the normal populace while cataclysmic and extinction level events were not exceedingly rare.
He will have to navigate this new world and get used to how to live in a body of a Terran.
Crossover DC and Starcraft
As a note, you don't have to know about Starcraft to read this since I'll be explaining most of the things about it... except names xD
My life for Aiur!.................................................................................................................................
My life for Aiur, ..........................................................................................................................
Super cool story, just wondering if you have dropped this story?
I found it incredible, I like it and I'm waiting for the next chapters. Read on, you won't regret it, I also liked the fact that it's a good dc fanfic.
love it, great quality but it needs more chapters
It's actually pretty good.,..,.,..............
a good read. It was particularly refreshing seeing the protagonist learn about normal human stuff. ........... .............................
[img = recomendar][img = recomendar][img = recomendar][img = recomendar][img = recomendar][img = recomendar][img = recomendar][img = recomendar]
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