Chen Yu Awakens, Natural Ranger!

Before leaving, the sprite elder gave Chen Feng a new hidden mission.

It was also the second Class Advancement mission.

However, the target of this Class Advancement was not [Nature Mage], but the more powerful [Apocalypse Mage]!

The hidden mission of the Apocalypse Mage was very simple. However, it could stump 99.99% of the Awakened.

[Apocalypse Mage Class Advancement Mission]: Gather the nine magical elements: Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Thunder, Ice, Wood, Light, Darkness.

It seemed like a simple sentence.

It was indeed almost impossible.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary Awakened could only have one elemental attribute. Only those who had awakened special talents could collect many magical elements.

And if he wanted to gather all nine elements, he had to be like Chen Feng, with the SSS talent [Elemental Affinity].

Chen Feng pondered in his heart. Other than the lightning element, he seemed to have everything else.