Praise…The Sun!


The air vibrated, and a bright golden laser shot out from Chen Feng's hand.

No matter how fast the Yatengu moved, it could not be faster than the light.

At such a close distance, nobody could tell how fast the light moved. 

The light instantly struck the Yatengu's body.

However, he did not manage to stop the Yatengu from making its way forward. All he managed to do was to weaken the black mist surrounding the Yatengu by a little. 

"It works…"

Chen Feng focused his attention ahead. 

His holy light attack had caused quite a bit of damage to the Yatengu/

However, this degree of damage…was far from enough.

"The holy light attack just now probably cleansed one-tenth of the dark power in his body."

"I need to hit him ten times to have a chance of winning." Chen Feng calculated in his heart.

"However, I cannot be hit by him, not even once!