Dark Abyss

Chen Feng followed the animals cautiously. He concealed his aura and tried not to attract their attention along the way.

Finally, he followed the animals into a small and quiet canyon.

The abyss was already dark enough, but this place was even darker!

It was so dark that he could not even see his own fingers.

From the moment he entered, Chen Feng could not decipher anything from his line of sight.

The only thing that he could rely on was his mental power.

His mental power acted as his eyes right now. His mental power helped him perceive his surroundings even better than his eyes did. 

With his powerful mental power, Chen Feng could clearly sense everything happening within a three hundred meter radius.

Chen Feng could even sense how the insect in front of him flapped its wings several times in a second. 

This was the purpose of one's mental power.