Red Sun Nine Heavens Painting!

The mural in front of Chen Feng seemed to give off an indescribable sense of attraction that made Chen Feng feel immersed within it.

At this moment.

Chen Feng felt as if he had personally experienced everything that had happened on the mural.

Chen Feng walked through the mountains, rivers, and clouds as he embarked on a journey in the painting. 

He slowly raised his head as he seemed to sense something. His eyes were focused on the sun above him.

The sun shone as brightly as a great holy flame! 

It was the brightest object in the world!

Suddenly, something happened. 


Just as Chen Feng stared at the blazing sun on the mural, an explosion suddenly rang out in his mind, causing his face to turn pale. He felt his mind shake, and he was suddenly overcome with a wave of dizziness. 

Chen Feng's mental power immediately surged out like a flood as it merged into the mural in front of him.