Encountering the Dark Organization

The Level 40 Bloodfang Wild Boar charged toward Chen Feng.

"It's great that you're here!"

Chen Feng laughed and took a step forward as he blocked Sakurai Longzi behind him.

Just then, the Sun Totem in front of Chen Feng's chest slowly lit up. After that, Chen Feng raised his right hand, clenched all of his fingers tightly, and swung out his fist! 

Chen Feng wanted to see what he could achieve with his physique after cultivating the [Red Sun Nine Heavens Painting].

He wanted to engage in melee combat with the Bloodfang Wild Boar with all his might!


Both of them collided, causing the ground around them to tremble. The Bloodfang Wild Boar was forced to take a step back due to the force of Chen Feng's punch. Meanwhile, three loud thuds rang out as Chen Feng was forced to retreat three steps due to the impact.