Pandora's Box

Blake's body contained an indescribable amount of terrifying power.

Terrifying power surged incessantly within his body. The force collided with his body repeatedly. 

In that instant, he felt a strong sense of danger.

It felt like the energy would explode out of his body if he did not release it. Blake kept trying to deplete the violent energy within his body through various means. 

During this process, the energy in his body was constantly being consumed.

Just then, Blake felt like his body was about to collapse, but he did not give up.

At this moment, he was still using all sorts of techniques to exhaust this vast amount of energy.

This was a strange phenomenon.

Blake's body seemed to be covered by a layer of black armor.

The air around his body turned pitch-black, and there was a layer of faint flames on the surface of his limbs and arms.