
"[Pandora's Box]"

"Level: Mythical Grade (Iridescent)"

"Special Feature: It can release something that can destroy the entire world. However, before it can release the item truly contained within it, the world will first be destroyed by the additional item. The consequences will be worse than death!" 

"Description: This is a treasure that only God can truly control! What is it? Oh, that's not something you should know. Return it, Adventurer!"

What did this mean?

Why did it seem different from the legendary item?

Also, from the description, it seemed that the box contained something more important than plague, jealousy, and so on/

What secrets were hidden inside?

That legend...

The moment he obtained it, Chen Feng felt the [Sea Calming Scepter] in his body begin to violently tremble!

"This is what I've been looking for!"

Chen Feng suddenly thought of something.

