
Chen Feng took a few steps and turned a corner along the stream. There were a few little angels playing on the grass in front of him. They seemed to be in their teens.

They all had a pair of pure white wings on their backs. Those wings carried them up and down in the middle of the empty ground as they played with each other.

"Hey, hello, traveler!"

When one of the little angels saw Chen Feng, she smiled warmly and welcomed him.

"Hey, you look different from us."

"Traveler, where are you from?"

"Edward! That's too much! How can you ask someone such a private question when you've just met?"

Another angel with a cute and pretty face who was obviously a young girl flew over and pointed at the angel who had spoken.

"Well, that's true. Traveler, please accept my apology. I didn't mean to upset you."

"Thank you. You're right, Lisa. I went too far."

Chen Feng listened to their argument without speaking.