Generous Gift

It felt like someone had popped out to say, "Hey, buddy, I can understand you! It's all their fault!" just when one was feeling extremely wronged. At most, one would feel a little unhappy, but if that happened, one would definitely cry out at once. 

At this moment, if one's best friend was the person who said this, that would prove that they understood what one had said.

This matter will then spread in your heart like colors in clear water!

After a long time, the person beside him finally calmed down.

"Alright, so what are you here for?"

"If I said this was an accident, would you believe me?" Chen Feng suddenly felt like teasing him. 

"This isn't funny at all!"

"You know my world, but I don't know yours. This is unfair!"

"Especially since you don't seem to be very capable. Besides, you're here with me. If I don't make myself clear, I'm afraid you'll have to stay here with me from now on!"