The Actual Situation

In the end, Chen Feng decided to ask the question in his heart. After all, this tiny bit of awkwardness was nothing in comparison to his goal. 

He even had the intuition that it would be more beneficial for his future developments if he were to come clean earlier.

"Hahaha, that's because you don't know about our special ability."

"Actually, before the gamification of the world, the people of our race had the superpower of immortality and superhuman self-healing."

"Under the training of our ancestors for generations, these abilities have already given us extremely strong bodies and longevity."

"The seemingly bloody and violent scenes that you saw before were actually just a part of our normal daily lives. Even without you, we often do this among each other."

"If you want to kill us all, you'd need a shocking amount of energy."

Chen Feng could not help but nod upon feeling the sincerity in the Siberian Tyrannical Bear's words.