
In the staff dormitory of Qin Kai Cultivation School, there was a figure standing on the balcony of a certain floor as the wind blew at him crazily.

"Holy sh*t, a Kun Peng actually appeared in the sky?"

Brother Xiong was dumbstruck as he stared blankly at the night sky that looked like a blue bottomless sea and the Kun Peng that was swimming freely in the horizon.

Was he hallucinating?

Brother Xiong was still half-asleep so he could not tell if the Kun Peng that appeared before him was real or fake.

He pinched himself hard on the arm and immediately gasped from the pain.

"I'm not dreaming! It's really a Kun Peng!"

Brother Xiong could not help but cry out in shock. Shock and astonishment appeared on his face, making his face look especially interesting.

He froze on the spot, forgetting about his urge to relieve himself.

All he cared about right now was the Kun Peng floating in the sky!

Apart from Brother Xiong, there was another person in Qin Kai Cultivation School who was equally unsettled.

"When did such a terrifying expert appear in our school?"

Uncle Xun's old face looked particularly comical at the moment. His mouth hung open as his eyes drifted to the view outside the window.

Uncle Xun did not return to the neighborhood because he was working late tonight. He had wanted to walk around the school for a while after sitting for so long and unexpectedly discovered the phenomenon in the sky!

The sky that was supposed to have a bright moon now looked as if it was covered by the deep sea. The bright moon and stars had all disappeared, replaced by the blueness of the sea.

Uncle Xun had never seen anything like this before. The still surface of the sea rose and fell slightly as a cool breeze blew across the watery depths.

"This expert is currently in our school. Which student or teacher could it be?"

After recovering from his shock, Uncle Xun immediately guessed that the phenomenon tonight had been caused by someone from the school. However, who could it have been?

He had to find this person!

If the outside world knew that such an expert had appeared in Qin Kai's cultivation school, the school's reputation would soar and they would also receive more resources from the Education Bureau. The school's scale could then be expanded further. This was a rare opportunity!

The phenomenon lasted for most of the night before gradually fading away.

The astonishment in the eyes of the bald man and other reporters had yet to fade. They looked at the night sky that had gradually returned to its calm state and sighed emotionally. "Today was a good day. We got to witness such an incredible phenomenon. This trip was really not in vain!"

"The abnormal phenomenon has disappeared. Let's quickly edit the video. We must post it online tomorrow morning and put it into the newspaper!" The bald man said to the reporters.

They had to hurry back to the newspaper and produce the news article overnight. They knew that once the news of tonight's phenomenon was released, it would definitely cause a sensation tomorrow!

At this moment, Chen Pingan was completely unaware that his cultivation had caused a sensation in Yang City and even the entire country. The entire time, he failed to notice the commotion outside.

"The middle stage of Qi Refinement Stage!?"

As soon as he came out of his cultivation state, he opened his eyes and was surprised to discover the changes around him.

Compared to the quantitative change of the breakthrough to the early stage of the Qi Refinement Stage, the breakthrough to the middle stage of the Qi Refinement Stage brought about a qualitative change to his cultivation. It was a huge leap.

The increase in his physical strength was one benefit, but another benefit he received was that he could now see everything within five kilometers without any hindrance. Even an ant could not escape his eyes.

Suddenly, Chen Pingan slapped the back of his head with both hands without turning his head, killing the approaching fly with a single slap.

This action would horrify outsiders. Chen Pingan's arms seemed to have no bones and could bend at will.

Actually, it was not just his arms. Every part of his body had become soft and boneless. He could now bend his limbs in an abnormal way that exceeded the limits of his body.

"Looks like my vigilance has increased." After feeling his Spirit Qi, Chen Pingan came to a conclusion.

He then calmly retracted his hands.

However, he was not surprised.

After all, the early stage of the Qi Refinement Stage was already well developed before he broke through. His breakthrough to the middle-stage of the Qi Refinement Stage had only made him stronger.

"I should be able to reach the late stage of the Qi Refinement Stage within a week."

Chen Pingan displayed the strength of his body and was overjoyed. He was very satisfied with this cultivation speed. In less than a week, he had already broken through to the middle stage of the Refinement Stage with astonishing speed.

He planned to focus on reading books for the next few days to comprehend a new path of cultivation instead of another breakthrough.

Chen Pingan knew very well that he could not be too hasty.

He had broken through too quickly recently and now needed to stabilize his foundation and strengthen it. He would only break through to the next realm when he reached a better state.

Chen Pingan thought as he casually swung his arm. As he swung his arm, it produced a sound that was as loud as thunder, and the room crackled.

Feeling as if he had just woken up from a dream, he repeated the motion and deliberately controlled his strength slightly this time. Immediately, he noticed that the produced sound had become different.

"Eh, looks like my body is different from before."

In the past, his body's explosive power had only been strong and powerful. It was the kind of strength that allowed him to kill someone with just a single punch.

However, Chen Pingan understood that a loud sound did not mean incredible strength. If he encountered an expert whose cultivation realm was higher than his, he would easily be defeated.

Furthermore, it would be hard for him to launch a sneak attack when the sound he produced was so loud. If he could not control the sound, the enemy would be able to take precautions.

He had been trying to think of a way to control the sound of the explosion, but no matter how hard he tried, he noticed that he couldn't really control it.

Now, Chen Pingan was surprised to find that his power had weakened.

No, his power remained the same, it was just that the sound it produced had become more controllable.

Now, he could control his power at will.

"The strength of the body seems to have a gentle quality to it."

Now, Chen Pingan's strength was not just brute force, there was even a trace of softness mixed with its destructive power.

It was very complicated.

He used it a few times and realized that he could control his strength at will. However, he still had no idea how to control the gentle quality of the force. He tried it many times, but he could not force the "gentleness" out!

"Could it be that I need to cultivate a corresponding secret technique?"

Chen Pingan scratched his head and fell into deep thought. However, he didn't have any cultivation techniques other than the Compulsory Cultivation Lesson books recommended by the old men.

"Forget it, it will probably work itself out. I had many questions last time as well but they were answered in the book I read today. I'll probably find the answers to these questions during my next cultivation session."

He did not intend to pursue this topic any further. This was the kind of person Chen Pingan was. If he could not think of a solution, he would let it go to avoid causing trouble for himself.

Chen Pingan handled the matter at the neighborhood in a similar way. Since he knew that there were hidden experts in the neighborhood that he could not afford to provoke, he concluded that all he had to do was leave the neighborhood.

"My range of vision has also increased. I wonder if there are any other changes caused by my breakthrough to the middle stage of the Qi Refinement Stage?"

Chen Pingan was not very knowledgeable about such matters. Most of the time, after breaking through to the next realm, he would discover the changes in his body by accident.

In the books of cultivation, there were also no distinctions between realms. There were no clear explanations that explained the differences between each realm and stage.

Even the basic abilities were not listed in the books.

Chen Pingan could only try to figure it out by himself. However, he had to admit that this process was very enjoyable.

Every day, he would discover a new attack power and master a new skill. He really did enjoy it.

"Perhaps I could try teleporting?"

This thought appeared in Chen Pingan's mind. He had wanted to do this for a long time, but he had always been unable to achieve it.

As soon as the idea came to his mind, his body immediately acted accordingly.

Immediately, he started using his Spirit Sense. His black eyes acted like black vortexes and anything that was targeted by them would fall into the control of his Spirit Sense.


Chen Pingan focused for a long time. His eyes and thoughts were fixed on the desk in front of him. With a soft shout, he activated his psychic power.


The desk actually moved without any physical interference. The foot of the desk slid across the floor, making an annoying sound.

The sound continued to ring out. After the desk slid across the floor for tens of metres, it suddenly stopped. It was as though the power that had been attached to the desk had been sucked dry.

Chen Pingan's face lit up. His psychic ability had proved to be successful, but he didn't dare to continue using it. He was afraid that a teacher who was staying downstairs would suddenly come upstairs to complain.

It was not good to disturb the neighbors so late at night.

Chen Pingan was an honest man and always cultivated quietly. He did not want to be like that powerful expert in the neighborhood who caused such a huge commotion and disrupted the order of life.

He did not like that at all.

Chen Pingan stretched his body slightly. Then, he opened his phone and looked at the time. It was almost three in the morning.

He was about to put down his phone when the screen lit up.

He wondered who was sending him messages so late in the night.

He wondered if it was an advertisement.

Puzzled, Chen Pingan unlocked his phone. There was a red dot on the upper right corner of the message box which indicated that there was an unread message inside. It also displayed the time, which was 2: 58.

"Who is it? Why are you texting me so late at night?"

Without thinking, he clicked on it.

[Hello, Teacher Chen. I am Wang from the Academic Affairs Office. This will be your work schedule for the next week. Please check it in time. If there are any mistakes or changes, please call the Academic Affairs Office. Our phone number is: 0774-673930.]

There was a picture attached to the bottom of the message. It was Chen Pingan's schedule for the coming week.

Chen Pingan was stunned. He did not expect it to be a message from the Academic Affairs Office. Furthermore, he was surprised that they would send him a message in the middle of the night.

"How professional. Working overtime so late at night just to arrange my classes. He sure is responsible. However, it would be even better if he were more efficient."

Chen Pingan smiled sincerely and opened the picture. The class schedule was very simple. According to the schedule, Chen Pingan was mainly in charge of four high school level classes as well as the long jump sport course.

The classes were mainly held on Mondays to Fridays, and he had the weekend off to enjoy himself. This was the reason why teachers were envied.

"Eh? No classes tomorrow?"

Chen Pingan looked at the class schedule three times, afraid that he would miss out on one of the classes. He was new here, and it was crucial for him to establish a good image. He could not afford to make any mistakes.

He checked it a few more times but still found that the column for tomorrow was blank. The high school class he was in charge of did not have physical education class tomorrow.

"The teacher at the Academic Affairs Office is so nice. He must have taken a day off to let me get used to the school. He probably knows that I'm still unfamiliar with a lot of things and need some time to adapt."

"What a nice guy!"

Chen Pingan started typing on his phone. He looked at the short message in the chat and smiled as he sent a message.

[Roger that, thanks for your hard work!]

There was a hint of warmth in the formal-sounding words.

This was the feeling he wanted to convey. He wanted to establish a warm and polite image in front of his new colleagues.

Chen Pingan put down his phone in satisfaction and laid on the bed. As he recalled everything that happened today, his eyelids became heavier and heavier. No matter how hard he tried, he could not keep his eyes open and finally fell asleep.