Yue Qing Is Actually a Cultivation Teacher

"I wonder who it could be?"

Chen Pingan thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure out who it was. In the end, he had no choice but to give up guessing. He clicked on his phone and a message popped out.

[Teacher Chen Pingan, I'm the principal of Qin Kai Cultivation School. First Year Class Eight has two physical education classes this afternoon. Remember to go to class on time!]

Didn't they tell him there was no class today?

Now he had a class schedule again? Why was the school's schedule so inconsistent? Fortunately, Chen Pingan had nothing else to do. Otherwise, it would have been troublesome.

Chen Pingan held his phone in his hand and read the message two more times. He felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Wait, Uncle Xun?!"

Chen Pingan sat up straight, his eyes wide open.

Should the staff from the Academic Affairs Office be in charge of this?

Why was Uncle Xun the one texting him about his classes?

After all, why would the principal of a school be responsible for such a task. This was unbelievable!

Chen Pingan's hand that was holding his phone trembled. Suddenly, he felt goosebumps all over his body. Something was wrong!

"Could it be that he discovered my Spirit Sense in the field today?"

It was very likely that Uncle Xun was an immortal. And if he were, then of course he would feel uncomfortable being spied on by someone else's Spirit Sense. Even an expert would find it uncomfortable, let alone an immortal.

"I'm done for! This is definitely a small display of strength from Uncle Xun!"

Chen Pingan put on a long face. He had just said that he would stay away from Uncle Xun and the others in the future, and now he was already being targeted. He had been jinxed!

Coincidentally, Brother Xiong was not in Qin Kai Cultivation School at the present moment and could not help him. Chen Pingan could only rely on himself.

After thinking about it for a long time, Chen Pingan comforted himself and said, "Isn't it just a class? With all the students present, what's the worst thing Uncle Xun could do to me?"

Although he said that, he was still very nervous. What if?

Just as Chen Pingan was lost in his thoughts, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"There shouldn't be anyone in this school who would come looking for me."

Muttering under his breath, Chen Pingan got up from the couch and opened the door because there was no peephole.

The moment Chen Pingan saw who it was, he panicked.

"Uncle… Uncle Xun, why are you here?"

"I came to see you. Did you get the message? After thinking about it, I decided to visit you personally. I don't have anything else to do today anyway."

Uncle Xun walked past Chen Pingan and entered the room. It was just like how he entered Chen Pingan's room when they were still in the neighborhood.

"Little Xiong isn't around, and you've just arrived at school, so you probably don't have anyone you can talk to. Don't worry, if you encounter any difficulties, don't keep it to yourself and just tell me."

"We're neighbors after all. If it's something I can help you with, I definitely won't leave you hanging."

Uncle Xun paced back and forth in his room. He had spoken those long words in one breath.

Was Uncle Xun really here to see him?

Chen Pingan heaved a sigh of relief. It didn't seem like he was lying.

"Pingan, why didn't you go to the field today?" Uncle Xun sat down on the sofa and asked quietly.


Chen Pingan had just relaxed when he heard this. His back stiffened and his heart skipped a beat.

"Did you oversleep?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. We gather at eight in the morning between Monday and Friday. All students and teachers must be present."

Uncle Xun smiled as he went over the school rules.

"Okay, Uncle Xun, I'll remember that. I'll be there on time from now on."

Chen Pingan's palms were sweating as his brain worked furiously.

Did Uncle Xun see through his Spirit Sense? Chen Pingan thought that Uncle Xun probably did and just didn't want to be petty with him.

"It's a pity that you didn't go to the field today. We all watched the explosive news that happened last night!"

Uncle Xun secretly observed Chen Pingan's reaction. He only had one reason why he brought this up, and that was to test Chen Pingan.

"What news?"

Chen Pingan responded with a puzzled look on his face, but his heart was in turmoil.

"There was another abnormal phenomenon last night! It was even bigger than the previous two phenomena. The specialists' analysis tells us that it was caused by an immortal!"

"To think that something like this happened in our Qin Kai Cultivation School!"

"Here, let me show you. It's all over the internet. Don't you even go online?"

At the mention of this morning's news, Uncle Xun's face was filled with excitement. He pulled out his phone and handed the recording to Chen Ping' an.

Chen Pingan received it doubtfully. Even though he had seen the phenomenon once, he still naturally felt shocked when he looked at it again.

Shock and horror appeared on Chen Pingan's face. No matter how many times he had seen it, it would always leave him shaken and terrified of the immortal behind the phenomenon.

Uncle Xun took in Chen Pingan's reaction when Chen Pingan saw the strange phenomenon. He could tell that it was a genuine reaction. It was also a normal reaction a young man like Chen Pingan should have.

After all, it was impossible for an ordinary person to not be shocked by such a phenomenon!

"Have you been scared silly?"

Uncle Xun laughed and joked. He was now even more certain that the immortal from last night could not be Chen Pingan and was someone else.

After half a day, Chen Pingan finally said, "This phenomenon last night is really terrifying."

This was no ordinary terror!

Chen Pingan said from the bottom of his heart, "I think only an immortal can cause such a phenomenon."

He tore his gaze away from the screen of his phone and looked at Uncle Xun as he handed the phone back to him.

Chen Pingan felt apprehensive. Could the immortal be Uncle Xun?

However, he thought that it didn't seem like that was true. If it was Uncle Xun, then why would he be telling Chen Pingan all of this so excitedly?

"Yeah, such an immortal is located in our school!"

Uncle Xun's expression was proud, carrying a trace of pride. After all, this immortal located in Qin Kai Cultivation School was the only immortal that appeared in Yang City for a thousand years!

Currently, Uncle Xun was certain that there was no other immortal in Yang City!

"Alright, I'll stop here. I still have other matters to attend to at school. Remember to go to class in the afternoon. And don't be late!"

Without waiting for Chen Pingan to speak, Uncle Xun charged out.

He left swiftly and decisively.

"Uncle Xun… I seem to have guessed wrongly."

Chen Pingan looked in the direction where the figure had disappeared, and he suddenly murmured to himself.

Uncle Xun's swift and decisive style didn't quite match the image of an immortal!

However, other than Uncle Xun, who else could it be?

Could it be Dali from the neighborhood?

Chen Pingan felt like his brain was about to explode.

The entire morning passed in his wild imagination. In the blink of an eye, it was almost 2 pm.

"Two classes will be over soon."

Chen Pingan changed into comfortable sportswear. After looking at his phone for a while, he walked out of the staff dormitory.

The high school's teaching building was located at the other side of the school. If one were to walk directly from the staff dormitory to the teaching building, it would be equivalent to crossing half of the school's distance. The whole distance would take at least fifteen minutes.

As classes were about to start, there were many students and teachers walking towards the teaching building.

Chen Pingan was dressed in a black sportswear and stood out on the sidewalk. Coupled with his unfamiliar face, he attracted the attention of many students and teachers.

These gazes were extremely intense, and it was difficult for him to directly ignore them.

Just as Chen Pingan was trying his best not to notice those people's gazes, a smear of red appeared in front of his eyes, followed by a small face the size of a palm. The smile on the face was very infectious.

A girl?

Chen Pingan looked at the girl in front of him and recalled who it was. It was the female teacher he saw in the morning.