Dali's Fanaticism To Immortals

"Beep, beep, beep."

Chen Pingan held his phone nervously as he listened to the ringtone set by the person he was calling. He started to look forward to the future. After all, if he could gather all four ingredients, he would not be far from refining pills.


The phone call was finally connected. A soft female voice sounded with a hint of confusion.

Chen Pingan hurriedly said, "Hello, Teacher Yue Qing. I'm the new physical education teacher. Chen Pingan, we just met this afternoon."

"Ah, Teacher Chen Pingan."

On the other side, Yue Qing suddenly understood. However, after finding out who the caller was, she was even more puzzled.

"Teacher Pingan, I don't remember giving you my contact details?"

The person on the other end of the line said shyly, "Sorry to disturb you at this time of the night. I asked Brother Xiong for your number."

Yue Qing's face lit up. Teacher Pingan had specially asked Brother Xiong for her number?

Was it because he was charmed the moment he saw her this afternoon?

Yue Qing really liked this feeling that came from being admired by others. She pursed her lips and smiled. However, after hearing what Chen Pingan said in the next moment, the smile on her face froze.

"The thing is, I'm in urgent need of several medicinal ingredients. Unfortunately, neither the Internet nor the pharmacy have these ingredients. Then, through Brother Xiong, I learned that you have a way to buy them?"

Chen Pingan finished speaking in one breath. The other party did not respond for a long time, and he began to feel nervous again.

Fortunately, the voice on the other end sounded again very quickly. The voice had a colder tone than before, but Chen Pingan couldn't care less. After hearing Yue Qing's answer, his first reaction was joy. He didn't expect there to be a chance!

"Which medicinal ingredients are you looking for?"

"The Flower Demon Thorn, Golden-Headed Dhuta Finger Bone, Ice Dragon Tendon, and Fire Dragon Scale."

He quickly listed out the four ingredients that he needed.

"You're in luck. Among the batch of medicinal ingredients that was recently sent to our family, there are the medicinal ingredients you listed. But we don't have a lot so I don't know if it's enough. Do you need it urgently?"

Chen Pingan beamed with joy. Knowing that the problem that had troubled him for so long was finally resolved, he was extremely happy and excited.

"I don't need much. I only need five taels of each herb. It's quite urgent."

After pondering for a while, Yue Qing agreed. "Sure, no problem. Are you free tomorrow morning?"

Chen Pingan thought about it. Tomorrow's class had already been moved to today.

"I don't have class tomorrow. What time specifically should we meet?"

"We'll meet at the staff dormitory at 9 am tomorrow morning. I'll take you to the ingredients shop."

Chen Pingan naturally didn't have any problems. After all, he couldn't wait to gather all the medicinal ingredients and start refining pills as soon as possible to raise his cultivation level.

The two chatted for a while more before hanging up.

"The matter is finally resolved."

Chen Pingan hung up the phone and heaved a sigh of relief. Now, he just had to wait for tomorrow to arrive.

He wondered what was going to happen tomorrow.

Chen Pingan figured that he would probably be able to purchase the medicinal ingredients successfully.

He also thought ahead and wondered if anything would go wrong during the pill refinement process.

Chen Pingan lay on the bed and allowed all sorts of thoughts to flash through his mind. It was late at night when he started to feel sleepy.

It was a peaceful night.

The next morning, after seven o'clock…

Due to his biological clock, Chen Pingan woke up early. He opened the window and peeked outside.

"The weather is good. I'll take a walk downstairs. The Spirit Qi in the morning is usually purer."

Chen Pingan closed the window, put on a hoodie and went outside.

It was still early in the morning. Apart from the diligent students who were walking around the school with their breakfast, there was basically no one else.

"Fortunately, there's no one around at this time. If not, I would have to remain alert if I bump into anyone I know."

Just as he finished speaking, he saw Dali walking towards him with a broom in his hand.

Chen Pingan's worst fear had suddenly come true.

"Young man, why are you up so early?"

Dali was already in front of him. A look of gratification flashed across Dali's eyes. Dali believed that Chen Pingan must have been motivated by the abnormal phenomenon from two days ago. After all, Chen Pingan even woke up early in the morning to cultivate now.

Because the Spirit Qi in the morning was purer than usual, cultivating at this time would yield twice the results with half the effort!

"Are you on duty today?"

Chen Pingan smiled and greeted Dali. He was a little wary because he thought that the abnormal phenomenon in the school was likely to be caused by Dali.

"I'm in charge of this place today. So I decided to clean it early when there aren't a lot of people."

"Young man, you've improved a lot recently. I'm really happy for you. Not bad, not bad. Keep it up. Your efforts will not be in vain."

Dali's undisguised praise caused a flash of surprise to appear on Chen Pingan's face. After a brief moment, he responded, "This is all thanks to you guys. If it weren't for your guidance and your recommendation of the compulsory cultivation lessons, I wouldn't have improved so much."

This was the truth. If Chen Pingan hadn't come into contact with the compulsory cultivation lessons, he wouldn't have been able to comprehend a new path of cultivation and smoothly break through to the next realm.

Therefore, the reason why he could reach his current cultivation level was mostly because of those old men in the neighborhood.

"We didn't help much. You should thank the immortal at school!"

When he spoke of the immortal, Dali's eyes were shining. Although he didn't have a chance of becoming an immortal in this lifetime, that didn't stop him from worshiping them!

Compared to the immortal, the expert hidden in the neighborhood was nothing!

"Pingan, you have that immortal to thank for having inspired you. That's the reason why you're so motivated. It's all thanks to the immortal!"

Dali didn't think that he and the other old men were the ones who inspired the young man. After all, they had only recommended one or two books on cultivation. He truly believed that the immortal was responsible for motivating Chen Pingan to work hard.

"The immortal in the school is too powerful. By just cultivating, he had created a phenomenon that covered the entire city. Even the other cities were affected. This experience has truly been an eye-opener!"

When Dali mentioned the abnormal phenomenon, he became especially passionate. He was almost sixty years old, but when he spoke of the immortal, his eyes were filled with respect.

Dali had seen the phenomenon multiple times after that night. At home, he would take out his phone from time to time and watch the shocking phenomenon with admiration and respect in his heart. The feelings he felt from watching it were indescribable.

Dali suddenly understood why the fangirls of those idols felt that way. To him, that immortal was his idol. And he was willing to follow this idol for the rest of his life.

"I've never seen such a shocking phenomenon in my entire life. It was also the first time I had seen a Kun Peng. That scene was simply like a dream. It was too real. I bet something like that won't even show up in the movies."

"It was truly a display of extraordinary strength! I suppose immortals are called immortals for a reason. If I can see such a phenomenon again, I will be able to die without regrets!"

When Dali talked about the immortal and the abnormal phenomenon, his eyes were full of excitement and he seemed to be immersed in extreme fanaticism.