Even A Dog Has Entered the Qi Refinement Stage?

In Xin Guang Residence.

It was Thursday today, so there weren't many people wandering around in the neighborhood during the day. It was much quieter than the entrance.

Even the idle old men who usually appeared on the plaza did not appear today.

They had all gone to the forest in the back of the neighborhood.

The forest was filled with the voices of the old men talking over one another. All of them were full of energy and their voices were loud and clear.

"Dali, don't be too sad. This is Da Huang's fate. Who asked this dog to run around blindly? Maybe a mighty figure was cultivating and accidentally injured it."

One of the old men patted Dali's shoulder and consoled him.

Another old man casually analyzed, "What do you know? I am certain that Da Huang has reached enlightenment after being influenced by that mighty figure!"

As they spoke, Da Huang, who seemed to have a fleeting gaze, gave an approving look at the old man when it heard this. Then, it continued acting the way it acted before.

Dali, who had been squatting beside Da Huang, saw the instantaneous glow in Da Huang's eyes. However, the glow quickly disappeared in the next second before Dali could feel happy about it.

Da Huang's eyes went back to being lifeless.

"Maybe it ate something in the woods. You should bring it to the hospital later." A reliable old man suggested.

The moment he said that, many of the old men in the surroundings agreed with him. The small forest at the back of the neighborhood was often left unattended and trash would often be thrown there. It was likely that Da Huang had eaten something bad after coming here.

"Yeah, I'll do that. I'll go home and pack some things first. I'll bring Da Huang to the hospital later."

Dali slapped his forehead. He figured that Da Huang's current idiocy was obviously a symptom of being poisoned and had nothing to do with the cultivation of that expert. Dali thought that it was probably just a coincidence for Da Huang to appear in the abnormal phenomenon.

"Stay here and watch Da Huang for me. Don't let it escape. Otherwise, I won't be able to find it later."

After saying that, Dali ran upstairs.

Only six old men were left as they looked at each other and surrounded Da Huang. Six pairs of eyes stared at Da Huang as they started chatting.

"Da Huang, are you aware that you have ascended to heaven? We need you to come back now, alright? After all, you have become famous in Yang City now. Many people are waiting to take pictures of you."

"Yes, Da Huang, get better and then go star in a movie so that you can earn money for Dali."

"What are you talking about? Look at Da Huang. Its eyes are fleeting and it's not barking. How will it film a movie when its turned dumb."

The group of old men laughed mockingly, and then they began to talk about other topics.

However, they failed to notice that the seemingly dumb Da Huang roll its eyes at them in disdain before continuing to comprehend the true meaning of its life.

The old men also did not notice that there were three people standing in another corner of the forest. They were Teacher Gu, Li Hao, and Ye Beixuan.

Ever since Dali left, they had been observing Da Huang in the middle of the crowd. When they saw the subtle changes in Da Huang's eyes, their eyes lit up.

"That dog looks a lot like the dog that appeared in the sky above Yang City two days ago."

Ye Beixuan wasn't too sure. After all, there were many other dogs that looked like Da Huang and had yellow fur. It wasn't very reliable to conclude that the dog in front of them was the heavenly dog from the phenomenon just because the two dogs shared the same fur color.

"That's it!"

Teacher Gu said excitedly. The three of them had found Da Huang based on the aura fluctuations. On the other hand, the old men were clueless and could not sense the fluctuations.

This was because this kind of special aura fluctuation could only be detected by a true cultivator. If Da Huang had been a high realm cultivator, it might have been able to conceal its aura and Teacher Gu and the others would not be able to detect it.

"This big yellow dog should have just broken through not long ago. Its aura is very chaotic, and its fluctuations are very obvious." Li Hao spoke in a rare manner. There was a hint of fanaticism in his usually calm tone.

Indeed, Li Hao spoke with fanaticism.

"That dog has entered the Qi Refinement Stage?"

Teacher Gu was shocked. He noticed the change in Li Hao's emotions and listened to him carefully. Then, he became even more shocked.

They had tried for so many years, yet they had always been unable to cross that threshold of the Qi Refinement Stage. Now, were they supposed to believe that a big yellow dog had actually reached the Qi Refinement Stage?

They were even worse than a dog.

Ye Beixuan was equally shocked. He knew how difficult it was to enter the Qi Refinement Stage. Even someone as talented as Li Hao failed after two years.

He looked at the big yellow dog with a burning gaze, as if he wanted to swallow the dog alive.

Ye Beixuan yearned to enter the Qi Refinement Stage as soon as possible. Ever since he had a taste of the benefits of true cultivation, he had yearned for it even more.

If he had not comprehended a little bit of the Dao of Cultivation, it would have been impossible for him to stand out among so many Golden Core and Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators, let alone win the sprint championship.

"That's right. I still need to come into contact with that dog before I can find out whether it's in the elementary level or the early stage of the Qi Refinement Stage."

Li Hao did not have much of an expression, but he still felt extremely uneasy. If there was no one present, he would have long pounced over.

"We'll go over there. It'll be fine. After all, we can just say we're new tenants and we're not familiar with the neighborhood."

Teacher Gu brought the two of them over. He was the oldest and was about the same age as the old men so it was easier for him to interact with them.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?"

Teacher Gu greeted them with a smile.

"We were just casually chatting. You guys don't look familiar…"

When the old men heard Teacher Gu, they looked over. When they saw these three people's unfamiliar faces, they became a bit vigilant.

"Brothers, we just moved into this neighborhood. We're new tenants. These two here are my sons. We moved here for them to work in Yang City."

Teacher Gu smiled and chatted with the old men. His tone was sincere and there was nothing wrong with it.

The two people standing behind him didn't look too good. They felt sour after being referred to as Teacher Gu's sons.

The old men didn't notice anything wrong with them. After finding out that they were new tenants, they chatted casually with Teacher Gu.

While the others were not paying attention, Li Hao quietly approached Da Huang. In fact, as long as he did not speak, the people around him would not notice his existence. As a so-called invisible person, he could maintain an extremely low presence.

Li Hao was surprised to notice that Da Huang's aura was gradually stabilizing. It turned out that this dog had been sitting here for so long because it was learning to restrain its aura!

"Da Huang? I heard you're called Da Huang?"

He tried to communicate with the big yellow dog. His tone was slightly filled with admiration and respect. Even if it was a dog, as long as it had entered the Qi Refinement Stage, it deserved his respect.

Da Huang ignored him.

"You're amazing."

Li Hao said something out of the blue. The old men who were chatting nearby raised their eyebrows. They wondered if that young man had really just said that Da Huang was amazing.

Da Huang, who was sitting on the ground, closed its eyes. It had already been awakened spiritually and could understand human speech. Ever since it had comprehended the true essence of its life, it had strayed away from any kind of joy or sorrow. It only yearned for peaceful cultivation. Nothing in the mortal world could bother it.

Li Hao's pretentious praises could coax other dogs, but this dog expert would not be so easily swayed.