The Secret of the True Cultivation Faction

"Hey, why would you enter someone's house without permission?"

Chen Pingan protested against Ye Beixuan's behavior.

"Don't be angry. I really have something important to tell you. It's just that this matter is too serious and I can't let others hear about it."

Ye Beixuan walked in as he spoke, his eyes darting around.

Suddenly, his gaze stopped at a certain spot, his eyes flickering.

"I am not curious. You don't have to tell me anything. I still have class. Please hurry back."

Chen Pingan was not interested in what Ye Beixuan had to say. He wished that Ye Beixuan would just keep it as a secret so that he wouldn't get into trouble.

"Do you know what kind of a person Senior Dali is?"

Ye Beixuan bent down and picked up the cultivation book on the table. He teased, "These cultivation books are useless. Didn't Senior Dali ever teach you anything useful?"

"What are you trying to say?"

Chen Pingan's eyes lit up. He thought that he would be the judge of whether those books were useful or not.

If those books were as useless as Ye Beixuan said they were, then why was his cultivation progressing so successfully every time? After all, he had been relying on those books to advance his cultivation realm.

Chen Pingan clearly did not believe the other party's words. Cultivation books were very helpful for his cultivation!

"What I want to say is that… that Senior Dali is the legendary expert of Yang City, and he's even at the level of an immortal. The many phenomena in Xin Guang Residence were all caused by him."

Ye Beixuan casually threw down the book and approached Chen Pingan. He enunciated each word as he observed Chen Pingan's expression.

To his surprise, Chen Pingan's eyes were filled with shock, as if he were unaware.

"Has Senior Dali never told you?"

Ye Beixuan pressed on. He was trying to confirm if Chen Pingan really didn't know or was pretending not to.

"What evidence do you have to prove that all of this was caused by Grandpa Dali? Can you really prove that he is the hidden expert of the neighborhood?"

Even though Chen Pingan had thought of this possibility, he still couldn't believe it when Ye Beixuan said it with such certainty.

From his usual behavior, Chen Pingan never noticed anything unusual about Grandpa Dali. He seemed just like an ordinary person to him!

"I'm not lying to you. The reason we know that Senior Dali is that powerful person is because we have come into contact with some things, things that are different from the cultivation of this world."

Ye Beixuan suddenly laughed. It was a brash and arrogant laugh.

"The reason why I said your cultivation books are useless is because we've seen the ancient books of true cultivation!"

"The so-called immortal cultivation of this world is nothing more than a fart. It's completely useless. It can't even be considered the tip of the iceberg!

Chen Pingan was stunned. He was truly stunned. He wondered what Ye Beixuan meant by true cultivation.

Could it be that the cultivators of this world were not true cultivators?

Chen Pingan had questioned it before. However, after experiencing the terror of those abnormal phenomena, he stopped questioning it.

Due to the terrifying abnormal phenomena, he had erased all of his doubts. He believed that there was no way the hidden expert or immortal wasn't a true cultivator.

"You're talking nonsense. If what we're cultivating isn't really true immortal cultivation, then how do you explain the abnormal phenomena in our school and the neighborhood?"

Chen Pingan was very skeptical of Ye Beixuan's words. He would only believe the other party if Ye Beixuan could demonstrate what true cultivation was.

"It's very simple, because Senior Dali is the same as us. He walks the true path of cultivation. However, he has walked the path longer than us. We have just started, and we are still trying to figure it out."

Ye Beixuan understood Chen Pingan's attitude. When he first found out about this, his reaction was even more intense than Chen Pingan's.

"The reason why Teacher Gu and I came to Yang City is because of Senior Dali. We have come to obtain some of the true essence of his cultivation. We hope that he can help us enter the true Qi Refinement Stage earlier."

"You should know about the deeds of Teacher Gu and the others. Why would an expert in the Tribulation Stage suddenly appear in Yang City after ascending? What could be the reason?"

"That's because Teacher Gu discovered the secret of true immortal cultivation. The so-called ascension of our world is actually caused by the accidental death from being struck by lightning after having reached the Tribulation Stage. In fact, the ascension to the true Tribulation Stage is like becoming a god. You become an undying and indestructible existence."

When Ye Beixuan said this, Chen Pingan suddenly looked up and wondered if he had heard correctly.

Wasn't this the true immortal cultivation he had once expected to see?

Ye Beixuan continued to talk without paying any attention to Chen Pingan. "We organized a cultivation faction that specializes in cultivating in the traditional sense. Unfortunately, most of the ancient books left behind by our predecessors were destroyed and they didn't leave behind any useful information. Fortunately, someone like Senior Dali had appeared in Yang City."

"He is the last hope for us to enter the true Qi Refinement Stage. As for you, you are the junior closest to Senior Dali. That is why we came to seek your help. With your help, we can successfully gain Senior Dali's trust."

Chen Pingan had now completely believed that true experts were different from the ordinary cultivators in this world. Even though they lived in the same world, their difference in strength was obvious. This was because the two cultivated differently. The true experts cultivated true immortal cultivation, while the ordinary cultivators were only strengthening their bodies.

He thought back to the first day he transmigrated, and the news he saw that completely overturned his understanding of cultivation.

After hearing Ye Beixuan's explanation, he realized that his initial understanding had been correct.

Chen Pingan started to realize that Dali was a true cultivator and was probably also the expert hidden in the neighborhood. In fact, it was even more likely that he was the immortal who had cultivated in the school.

"Grandpa Dali's acting is really superb. Even I was fooled." Chen Pingan muttered to himself.

"If you still don't believe me, just look at me. Because I had touched a bit of the true essence of immortal cultivation, I was able to easily break the world record of the sprint."

Ye Beixuan mouth was running dry but the other party still wasn't reacting at all. He wondered if he was being unclear.

"I believe you, but I won't be able to help you. Grandpa Dali never told me about any of this."

Chen Pingan's heart skipped a beat. He was amazed by how powerful one could become just by getting a little bit of the true essence of immortal cultivation.

If so, after reaching the true Qi Refinement Stage, wouldn't one be able to directly crush the so-called Tribulation Stage cultivators of this world?!

Suddenly, Chen Pingan sighed regretfully. Dali had not revealed any of this to him.

He quickly dismissed that thought because he had the cultivation system. Even if he didn't enter the cultivation faction that Ye Beixuan mentioned, he still wouldn't need to worry. It was just that his improvement wouldn't be as obvious as Ye Beixuan said it would be.

"Nothing at all?"

Ye Beixuan refused to give up. After all, he could tell that Dali thought highly of Chen Pingan and would not hide the true path of cultivation from Chen Pingan.

"He really didn't tell me anything. If there's nothing else, you can go back first. I have class later."

"It's fine. You are welcome to join the True Cultivation Faction at any time. It's fine even if you haven't come into contact with the true path of cultivation. You can consider it carefully and think about what I said."

"We're of the same age, so it wouldn't hurt to be friends. That's all for now. I'll go back first." Ye Beixuan disappeared after saying those words.