Deep Sea Sect

Pei Ling felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. He stood stiffly by the door and dared not to breathe.

Fairy Li's expression could not be seen through the veil hat, and the room became silent for a moment.

Suddenly, Fairy Li raised her hand and threw something at him. Pei Ling was startled as he quickly swatted it away.

However, at this moment, a system notification that he had not heard for a long time sounded. "Ding dong! An unknown saber technique is being recorded…"


He looked at the booklet that he had knocked to the ground, then looked at Fairy Li, who was sitting on the spot. He had the urge to die on the spot.

"Master it in ten days. Otherwise, die!" Fairy Li said coldly. With a flick of her sleeve, her entire body shattered like bubbles and disappeared immediately.

After she left for a while, Pei Ling walked over to pick up the booklet in embarrassment.